Chapter 12

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Louis P.O.V.

I try to open my eyes again and to my suprise I do. The hospital room is so bright. My eyes adjust and I look around to see Jessica asleep on the couch in the corner and a very depresses looking Liam sitting with her head in his lap.

"Liam." I barely squeak out. His head snaps in my direction and a wide smile spreads across his face. He gently places Jessica's head on the couch and walks over to me.

"Louis, I'm so glad your alright." He says quietly as he hugs me gently.

"Where are the rest of the boys?"

"They had to go and sort things out with management. Hey told me to stay here with Jessica. She's been a complete mess. But I know for a fact that she'll be exstatic to see your awake, but we should probably let her sleep for now. This is the most sleep she's gotten all week. She keeps having nightmares." He says gravely.

Just then a doctor walks in. He looks to be about mid thirties. He has blondish hair and brown eyes and he's smiling like an idiot.

"Goodmorning Mr. Tomlinson, I'm glad to see your awake." He says with a smile. I nod and he does a quick check up and some basic tests. "Ok so you had to have three surgeries." I gasp and he nods. "We had to put a rod in your leg because it broke in four places. We had to remove several large peices of glass from your stomach and arms. And lastly you have three broken ribs and one of them punctured your lung but it should be fine now. You'll only have to stay in the hospital another couple days. You had a severe blow to the head and we want to make sure that even when your home that you have someone there with you at all times." He looks at Liam and Liam nods.

He walks out after telling me that I should get some rest. But I can't sleep until I see the rest of the lads and Jessica. Liam calls the boys and tells them I'm awake. I hear them scream from the phone and I start to laugh but quickly stop because it hurts. I do end up falling asleep.

I'm awaken by a scream. I shoot up in bed but Liam gently pushes me back down.

"LOUIS!! LOUIS!!" I look oer to see Jessica thrashing around ands creaming my name. Liam rushes over to her and scoops her up into his arms. Her eyes are squeezed tight and she holds onto him like he's her life line. "Louis don't go!!! You ant leave me." She cries.

"Shhh. Baby it's ok. He's not going anywhere." Liam tells her quietly. I motion for him to set her down on my bed next to me.

He gets u from the couch and carries her bridal style over to me. I slide over but he stops just a couple feet from me and I hear him whisper to her.

"Baby, do you want to lay with him?" He says.

"Can I?" She says barely audible.

"Yeah but you have to be careful he's still in a lot of pain." Liam says as he lays her down next to me.

She carefully wraps her arms around my toso and lays her head in the crook of my neck.

"Louis please wake up. I need to see your eyes again. And hear your laugh." She whispers.

"Today must be your lucky day 'cause m here and m awake." I whisper in her ear.

She shoots up and stares at me with wide eyes. I look at her and smile weakly. She immediately starts to cry and buries her head onto my neck again. I hug her tight to my body and I never want to let go. She's finally mine and I will never let her go.

"Baby girl I missed you so much." I say quietly.

"Louis neve do that again. I thought you were going to die. She snuggles into my chest and I an tell she's absolutely exhausted.

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