⚡️ Chapter Eight ⚡️

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"Son of a bitch!" Reiner curses, looking at us over his shoulder. Most likely, he was looking at Eren, since that's who the others are coming for.

Bertolt grabs Reiner by his shoulder. "Talk to me, Reiner. What are you right now?"

Reiner shoves his hand away. "A warrior. Calm down."

"Do you really think it's wise for us to trust Ymir?" Bertolt asks. "Even though she's the one who devoured Marcel?"

"Sure." Reiner replies, looking at Ymir. "Don't you see? We have a handle on her motives. When she turned human again, odds are she just wandered around aimlessly only giving a damn about herself. Then Christa and Y/n came into the picture. They're the type of girls that can change your whole world."

Are they not aware that I can hear them? I can literally hear everything they're saying right now whether they want me to hear it or not.

"We have Y/n, but now we need Christa." He informs. "And not just because she's cute as well. The people she comes from are an important family within the church. Plus, suppose Eren's not the coordinate? Our job won't be over. If it comes to that, having Christa around will make the search a lot easier."

Eren growls beside me. "What are they talking about? Are they still planning on leaving after sundown or what?"

"I know what they're talking about. They're not exactly being quiet." I whisper. We both moved to the side away from Ymir, since it doesn't look like she'll be on our side.

Deep down...I feel like she's in a shitty spot. If she comes with us, they'll want to kill her, but if she does go with Reiner and Bertolt, she'll still be killed...

He looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "You can hear them? What are they saying?"

"Uhm...something about you being some coordinate." I answer. "Oh. They're also talking about capturing Christa as well. Apparently, she'll make some search easier."

He nods slowly, taking it all in. "Ok...try to listen in some more. We need all the information we can get."

I lean forward to look at the ground, as if I found something very interesting down there. It's just my way of not looking suspicious.

"Please...let's just be done." Bertolt pleads. "The next time we come, we'll take all four of them. Annie, Y/n, Christa, and Eren. It'll be clean and simple. Then, we won't have to come here anymore."

"Right." Reiner nods. "And we'll have completed our damn mission." He walks past Bertolt, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Just do me a favor, huh? Once we're home, try telling Annie how you really feel. You know, like how I've done with Y/n multiple times."

This is not the kind of information I need. It was and still is blantly obvious that Bertolt likes Annie. I need something of better use to our advantage. Not...this.

Bertolt jumps back. "What's that supposed to mean?!"

Reiner sighs. "Come on...I've seen the way you stare at her."

Bertolt waves his hands out in front of him. "I don't stare!"

Reiner crosses his arms. "Bertolt, please. Life's short enough as it is. Just go for it. Besides, you're both killers, so she understands where your head is." Then, he propels himself down in front of Eren and I.

"What're you two doing now?" Eren asks, standing protectively in front of me, since he walks towards us.

I narrow my eyes at him. "Hey! I thought we were waiting until sundown, or...are you afraid that the others are going to be here before then?"

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