⚡️ Chapter One ⚡️

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Currently located in the south of Wall Sina, a lot of us Scouts are sitting, waiting until we get to leave. It's so boring right now. We don't really have anything to do.

I'm a little on edge right now, because Armin's gone. He left to go to Stohess with the others. So, I'm extremely worried whether he's okay or not. In fact, I'm worried if everyone's okay or not.

They wanted either one of us to come, but Armin asked me if I'd stay here, so I'd be safe. So, to satisfy his wishes, I stayed back while he left and that's what's left me on edge...

"Hey, Doll. Are you okay?" Reiner asks, shaking me gently.

I look at him, coming out of my little trance. "Yes?" I shake my head lightly. "Yes. Yes, I'm okay. I'm just worried about the others..."

"You're always worrying for everyone, except yourself. You should start worrying for yourself as well." Bertolt suggests, moving a chesspiece then looks at me. "I mean, how many near death experiences have you had, because you're worrying for someone else and not yourself?"

I look down. "Plenty...more than I want to count..."

"Hey!" Ymir exclaims from the table next to us. "Are you two harassing my sweet Angel?!"

"I think you mean my sweet Doll." Reiner corrects, moving a chesspiece then putting his arm around my shoulders.

"In your dreams." Ymir replies, then looks at me. "Are these two harassing you, Angel? If they are, come sit over here with me and Christa."

I shake my head. "No. Not at all. In fact, they're more concerned for me than anything else."

"Exactly." Reiner says, obviously agreeing with me. "I would never even think of harassing her."

"I wouldn't either. It'd be just the same as hurting her. Physically, mentally, or emotionally." Bertolt remarks, moving another chesspiece and looking at Reiner. "Checkmate."

"Damn it..." Reiner grumbles.

I laugh softly. "See? I'm fine, Ymir. Don't worry."

"I still want you over here." She replied.

"No." Reiner answered, helping Bertolt set up all the chess pieces again. "You already have Christa over there."

"She's my Angel." Ymir retorted. "Let her come over."

Reiner lets out a slight chuckle. "No. She's my Doll. She's staying here next to me."

"Please stop fighting..." Christa and I managed to beg at the same time. It reminds me of how I say things at the same time all the time with Armin...

"Oh...my sweet Angels. I'm so sorry." Ymir apologizes, hugging Christa. "To make it up to you two, the three of us can go get married after this mess is over."

Reiner shakes his head. "Uh, no. You can have one not both. You can have Christa and I'll have Y/n."

I sigh, as they continue to argue and look out the window, which is what Connie and Sasha are also looking out of with their chins rested on their hands, looking extremely bored.

"Are you two okay?" I ask.

Connie looks at me. "Yeah. We're fine."

"Just...bored." Sasha adds.

I nod. "Mmm. Everyone is."

"Hey, Y/n?" Connie questions.

"Yes?" I reply.

"If I were to sneak out of this place in the middle of the night to go to my village...do you think I'd get caught?" He asked.

"Uh...probably." I answer. "We're not supposed to leave until we're told we can."

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