⚡️ Chapter Three ⚡️

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"Christa! Y/n! You need to hurry it up, sweeties!" Ymir calls over shoulder.

"I'm sorry!" I apologize. "It's hard to run. My legs won't stop shaking, because I'm scared!"

Christa looks at me, since she's practically beside me. "I know what you mean. I'm terrified."

Ymir slows down and lets us in front of her. "I want you both in front of me so I can keep an eye on you."

I nod. "We would've been fine, but thank you."

Reiner suddenly grabs one of the torches off the wall. "I'll go see how far they've gotten in! You all need to find something to board up the entrance! Whatever isn't nailed down!"

"Reiner! Wait!" Christa and I both exclaim in sync.

"What the hell?!" Connie shouts.

Bertolt runs past us. "Hang on! We're coming! Wait up!"

Reiner reaches the bottom of the stairs and opens the door before any of us get down to him.

"Reiner! It's dangerous to go see by yourself!" I warn.

"I'll be fine, Doll!" He replies.

Connie groans. "Are you kidding me? Why does he always have to be the first one to step up? Give us a break!"

"I know." Bertolt replies. "It's just a habit of his."

"We should really do as he said though." Christa suggests. "We need to find something to create a barricade."

"They in the tower!" Reiner suddenly exclaims. "Get down here and help me!"

I gasp. "Reiner's in trouble. We have to-"

"I'll go help him." Bertolt offers. "You four find something." With that, he runs through the door to get to Reiner.

About the same time, the remaining four of us reach the bottom of the stairs.

"Where are we suppose to find some-" Connie starts.

Ymir suddenly points past us. "Quit your whining. There's a cannon over there."

I look at the cannon with a raised eyebrow. "What's a cannon doing in here? Shouldn't it be on the roof?"

"We can't be asking questions right now." Christa grabs a torch off the wall. "Just roll it over to the door."

So, Ymir, Connie, and I run over to the cannon and roll it over to the door with much effort and strength.

"Guys!" Ymir yells, grabbing Reiner and Bertolt's attention. "Heads up! Incoming!"

"Where'd you find-" Reiner starts to ask, but shakes it off. "Good work! Is there ammo?!"

"No!" I answer. "It's a miracle that we found this!"

"Get out of the way!" Ymir orders.

Then, Ymir, Connie, and I all push on the cannon at the same time, sending it rolling down the stairs.

"Move, you guys!" I exclaim.

Reiner and Bertolt immediately let go of the pitchfork they were using to impale the Titan's eyes and move out of the way. The Titan bursts through the door just as the cannon reached the bottom, which has caused a dusty mess.

Once the dust clears a little, we see that the Titan is covered in the debris with the pitchfork still impaling its eyes.

"May miracles never cease." Ymir remarks. "Huzzah."

"Yeah." Reiner nods. "It's not getting up from that. Good thing it was a little one."

I slouch down against the wall of the stairs. "Oh my gosh...I was so scared someone was going to die..."

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