⚡️ Chapter Two ⚡️

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"With the small campsite we found earlier, we think someone must've been here not too long ago. The cup was still warm from whatever they were drinking." Gelgar informs, going into a room.

By here, he means Utgard Castle, well, some of it anyway. We've stopped here to hide out and away from the Titans, specifically the tall, furry, monkey-looking one. We all appear to be here, except Sasha, who had to split up from us. So, now I have someone else to worry about.

"A place this close to the wall?" Nanaba questions.

"Bandits probably used it as a hideout..." Lynne, a girl who works closely with Nanaba and Gelgar, suggests.

"A sign on the way in said, 'Ruins of Utgard Castle.'" Nanaba recalls. "I didn't know there was a historical site around here."

"Hey." Gelgar appears from the room he entered with a green wine bottle in his hand. "Take a look at what I just stumbled on."

Lynne looks back at him. "You're kidding. Is that what I think it is?"

Gelgar nods. "Uh-huh." He looks at the label closely. "I can't really read the label though..."

"Sir..." I start. "You really shouldn't drink that right now..."

He stiffens. "Of course not! I was going to save it for later anyways." He walks away from the room.

"You know..." Henning, the fourth higher up that is with us, starts. "There are worse ways to spend the night than having access to top-shelf contraband."

"Careful..." Nanaba warns. "You're starting to sound like an outlaw." She chuckles.

"I want you kids to try and get some rest." Gelgar instructs, making all of us look at him. "There shouldn't be any Titans crawling around at this time of night, but we'll take turns keeping watch. Be ready to leave four hours shy of daybreak."

"Excuse me." Christa says, getting his attention. "What if it turns out that Wall Rose isn't actually compromised? Where do, uh...where else could they be coming from?"

Gelgar turns away from us. "It's our job to find out. Starting tomorrow." He's now walking up the stairs.

"I'm just saying." Christa continues. "Our situation isn't good, sure, but is it as bad as we think?" She looks down. "You never know, right? That's all..."

"She's right." Henning confirms. "We haven't really seen that many Titans. I mean, for them to have busted through the wall anyway."

"Only with the initial sighting, a relatively modest handful." Nanaba adds.

I sigh softly and look over at the guys, as Ymir asks. "What shape was your village in, Connie?"

He looks over at us. "It was totally destroyed. It was crushed to tinder and bits of rubble..."

"I'm, uh...I'm sorry." She apologizes.

"Nobody got devoured, though." He replies, ignoring her apology. "It looked like they all got out, so...there's a sliver lining, at least."

"Hm?" I raise an eyebrow. "How? You just said it was destroyed."

"Well, the houses and stuff were, but the people themselves must've all escaped. I mean, they had to. The thing is...we didn't see any blood anywhere. Not so much as one drop. That's the only possible explanation." He explains.

Then, he looks down in front of him. "Still, though. There's something I can't get out of my head. There was a Titan on top of our house. Just lying there, staring at me. It couldn't move on its own, thank God. But, I just...I have no idea why, but it reminded me of my mom. Am I crazy?"

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