Everyone present for this fight were stunned by her power, as she went toe to toe with this powerful being, nobody could sense her energy, in turn nobody could gauge whether or not she would win this fight.

     Frieza dodges Xylias's Ki blast that was aimed for his body, he spins around and whips his tail, powerfully smacking her body. She lets out a pained cry as her body is sent flying back to the ground. The impact of her rough landing craters the ground around her, burying her in the rubble.

     It becomes quiet for a moment, Frieza descends from the air with his arms crossed, laughing to himself. Vegeta scowls as he holds his injured side, blood still dripping down his forehead and chest, "Come on... Get up Woman." he growls

     Krillin exchanges a look of worry with Gohan and Piccolo, "Looks like she wasn't as tough as we thought..." Krillin trails off, memories of Frieza impaling him flashes through his mind, he begins to shake in fear, scared for their uncertain fate.

     Xylias had not physically fought someone in a long time, it had been over a year since Frieza had last used her on a mission. Not to mention the cuffs she wore hindered her body and soul from connecting with her true power. They made her body fight with itself, not letting her use her full power like her mind wanted and pushed for. She didn't realize she was dangerously pushing her limits, the power inside of her welling up, threatening to implode on her at any given moment while she pushes herself during her battle with Frieza.

     'She was propped up in a chair, her ankles tied to the legs, her chest and arms were held in place against the backrest of the chair by being wrapped with special chains made from the newly found Usiminite rock. Her chest was heaving, lungs desperate for air, but the strain of the chains were limiting her ability to take a full deep breath. Her head hung low as blood dripped down her forehead and out of her mouth from the relentless beating that she had been given moments earlier from Zarbon. Bits of light shined through her swollen and blackened eyes and she could barely make out the outline of Zarbon's body. He stood in front of her, admiring his work before the Emperor walked up beside him.
     "Oh, don't pass out on us now, we're just getting to the good part!" Frieza said while laughing,
"This is what happens when you disobey me. I told you to wipe out all existence from that planet, which means NO survivors. There can be no room for error, not while you serve ME!" He screamed in her face, he raised his tail to firmly wrap it around her neck, squeezing the remaining air from her constricted lungs. She coughed out a splatter of crimson blood which caked his tail, Frieza swiped his tongue across the small puddle, lapping it up and reveling in her taste.
     She had been in his grasp for 1 year now; this was her first time capturing a planet for the Emperor, and in his eyes, she had failed when his team had found a few straggling survivors on the planet.
     "Mmm, I do love the sweet taste of your blood, I must have more!" Frieza exclaimed as he used his glowing hand to slice into her stomach, causing blood to spill from her body and onto the floor.'

     The memory tears through her in her half-conscious state, as she lay deep within the rubble, her body begins to glow from the immense emotions she was feeling. 'No more... No more... No more...' her subconscious screams

     Rumbling coming from deep within the planet was soon felt by everyone, the rocks on top of the rubble slowly begin to rise. Then in the next moment a bright white beam of light burst through the rubble, causing dust and dirt to cloud everyone's vision.

     When the dust clears, the Woman is seen standing in the middle of the deep crater, shaking, and intensely looking up at Frieza. "No.... More!" she screams ferociously as she concentrates her power to her feet, jumping out of the crater and towards Frieza. He swiftly dodges her attack, but that's what she wanted.

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