Lets F*** In The Back Of The Mall Pt1

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"No seriously, I look like a dick in a tux!" Eddie laughs as he sits across the table from you in his trailer, munching on some cereal.
"I bet you don't look like a dick, I bet you look super handsome." You coo.
"I don't know about that." He scoffs, dribbling milk down his chin, you reach over and wipe it with your thumb instinctively, giggling at him.
"Shut up, you're handsome all the time anyway but you're gonna look super suave in a tux." You wink. He groans loudly, rolling his eyes at your comment.

"At least it's just for one night." He sighs, relaxing his shoulders and sitting back in his chair, splaying his legs under the table.
"Exactly, so quit being a baby!" You tell him, throwing him a look across the table.
"And you're telling me I can't just wear jeans and a tee to the daytime thingy?" He asks you.
"No you cannot wear jeans and a tee! You need something smart, a casual suit." You shrug, sipping your coffee.
"Who cares what I wear to that, it's just to get a piece of paper on stage." Eddie scoffs.
"An important piece of paper that signifies the end of high school!" You laugh, "and in front of all our friends and family too!" You tell him.
"Yeah yeah, whatever keeps you happy." He chuckles before standing and grabbing his empty cereal bowl, "you finished with this?" He gestures to the cup of lukewarm coffee in front of you, you nod and he collects it, taking the dishes to the sink.

It's a Sunday, so you know the mall will be busier than usual today, but Eddie needs something smart to wear; jeans and a tee are definitely not going to cut it underneath his graduation gown and mortar. Eddie slogs along behind you, sulking.
"Come on," you laugh and grab his hand, "the quicker you find something the quicker we can get back home." You encourage him. He allows you to pull him along the polished floors of the StarCourt mall.
"Fine, let's get it over with." Eddie sighs, allowing himself to be dragged to the store.
"That's more like it." You grin, heading in the direction of the suit store.

You take Eddie into the store and you immediately let go of his hand and head over to a rack and begin searching for him. He had his measurements taken the other day when he was fitted for a tux, so it shouldn't be a hard task finding a suit for him, although he's not helping much.
"Eddie, what about this one?" You hold a suit up to show him.
"Yeah, cool." He smiles sarcastically, twiddling his thumbs and looking around himself aimlessly.
"I'll take that as a no then." You giggle and hang it back up where you pulled it from and begin looking in another section.
"This one?" You show him another.
"Yeah, that's alright." He tells you with an exasperated sigh.
"Oh my god, you suck at this!" You laugh.
"Y/N I don't care," he laughs and shakes his head, "you pick something for me, I trust your judgement." He shrugs before leaning up against a pillar and fiddling with the chain of his jeans.

You choose a suit for him, luckily you found the right size because you can't imagine he would be keen waiting around on the store assistant checking the back for stock, he already looks bored out of his mind.
"Come on, go try it on." You tell him, pushing the suit into his grasp and nudging him towards the dressing rooms. He drags his feet the whole way.
"Eddie, quit it! You need to find a suit today or I'll just bring you back here tomorrow and the next day, and the next day..." You chuckle.
"You're so damn pushy!" Eddie laughs as he enters a stall in the changing room, he turns to face you.
"I'm not pushy, I'm just taking charge." You smile.
"Oooh, I like it when you take charge." He smirks and rolls his tongue across his bottom lip.
"Oh, shut up." You laugh and pull the curtain closed in his face, separating you both.

You hear the metal chain on the belt loops of his jeans hitting the floor, at least he's actually trying it on, you think to yourself as you take a seat and wait for him.
"You got it on yet?" You call to him after a minute or so from the other side of the curtain.
"Almost," he tells you and you hear him zipping up the trousers, "tadaaa!" He says sarcastically as he pulls back the curtain as if he was a magician performing a trick. To be honest, you'd think someone had performed some magic behind the curtain. Here he stands before you in a formal suit with a smart shirt and everything, where has your rock star, metal head boyfriend disappeared to? You can't help but giggle at his appearance.

Bad Habit - {Eddie Munson x y/n}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें