Black Mountain Trail

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You arrive at the trail, Eddie parks the van in the empty parking lot, clearly no one else was feeling like a hike today and the feeling is mutual for Eddie. Eddie sighs as he cuts the engine, you laugh and then grin widely at him.
"Oh come on, we've not even begun yet." You giggle.
"How 'bout we just skip the hike, get into the back of the van, I can think of other things we could get up to in this empty parking lot." Eddie smirks, throwing a thumb over his shoulder to gesture to the private spot in the back of his hand where you've been known to have sex before.
"Nuh-uh, we are hiking and that's that!" You tell him again. "But.... I promise I'll make it worth your while." You tease him, you wink at him before jumping out of the van and strapping the backpack onto your back.

Suddenly Eddie seems eager to go, he hops out of the van and locks it, pocketing the keys.
"Let me take that for you." Eddie says as he pulls the backpack off of your shoulders and puts it onto his instead, you smile.
"Such a gentleman." You coo.
"You know me babe." Eddie chuckles before grabbing your hand and tugging you towards the beginning of the trail, "let's get this over and done with then, shall we?" He sighs exaggeratedly.
"Let's gooooo." You sing as you begin the long hike up the wooded hills. You walk hand in hand for the first while, chatting more about your experience at the hospital with nurse Jenny and in turn he talks about some new songs he's learning to switch up Corroded Coffins set list for their upcoming gigs next week.

It's only about thirty minutes before huffy toddler Eddie comes out to play. He lets go of your hand and bends over, he puts his hands on his knees as he puffs and pants. You can't help but laugh at him.
"Oh come on, you weakling, you're so unfit!" You laugh loudly at him.
"Yeah you're right, this body wasn't made for exercise!" Eddie pants as he catches his breath. "And my goddamn legs are chafing!" He complains.
"Well, who the hell wears skinny jeans to hike anyway!" You laugh at him, crossing your arms over your chest as you wait for him to get on the move again.
"I told you, I don't own any damn mountain climbing gear!" He whines before digging his hand into his hoodie pocket, pulling out a cigarette placing it between his lips, he lights it before taking one very long drag. Then he begins shuffling his feet, unwillingly, towards you again.

"We aren't climbing a mountain Ed, it's just a hike." You giggle as you grab his free hand and drag him uphill, by your side.
"Well it's been all vertical so far," he huffs, "feels like a goddamn mountain."
"Oh shut up and enjoy it will ya." You nudge him and giggle.
"Make me." He teases. You stop briefly, you spin around to face him, capturing his lips in a kiss. He almost stumbles and falls backwards at the force of your mouth on his, he steadies himself and then he grabs your ass with his free hand while he holds his cigarette away from you with his other hand. You pull away and smirk, taking his hand again, you begin dragging him uphill once more.
"More of those please, then maybe I'll quit complaining." He chuckles.
"For every mile, you get a kiss, deal?" You tell him.
"Deal!" He says eagerly and picks up the pace, puffing on his cigarette.

You stay true to your word and give Eddie a kiss every mile or so up the trail, each one different from the other, some sweet and soft, others hard and fierce. Unfortunately, he doesn't stick to his word though and he complains every few minutes.
"I'm sweating." He complains.
"Take your hoodie off." You tell him.
"My legs hurt." He whines.
"Bare with it." You giggle.
"My lung feels like it's gonna collapse!" He exaggerates.
"So stop smoking so many damn cigarettes and just walk!" You laugh at him, rolling your eyes.
"I've ran out of cigarettes," he complains, "this really is torture!" Eddie yells, stomping his feet.

"You want a snack?" You ask him, you already know the answer is yes, but you just want to shut up his complaining for a moment.
"Oh, yes please." He grins and stops his tantrum. You unzip the backpack he's carrying on his back and you pull out a candy bar, unwrapping it for him and shoving it into his waiting hand. He chews on it, finally a grin on his face, you think to yourself.
"Eat and walk, come on, not long now." You tell him. The chocolate bar has done the trick, it keeps him quiet... for about five minutes, if you're lucky.

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