New Beginning

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The following morning, you have 2 different outfits laid out on your bed, struggling to decide which one to wear to school today. After all, this was going to be the first time people saw you as your new and improved self, you wanted to look good but not stand out from the crowd too much; you didn't need to draw anymore attention to yourself than you already had in the previous weeks. You leave the outfits thrown across your bedspread while you go for a quick shower, brush your teeth, do your morning skincare, add a little makeup; your usual morning routine.

As you come back into your room, wrapped in a towel with your hair dripping down onto your shoulders, you opt for the more casual outfit of the two, black jeans, a white t-shirt with a black leather belt and you'll put on your new black lace up boots too. You pull the towel from your body and wrap it around your wet hair. You dress yourself in the chosen outfit and check yourself out in the mirror, you feel like it's too plain and boring with the white tee. You pull open one of your drawers and begin to rummage through to pick out a different t-shirt. A black, oversized tee with red graphics on the front catches your eye, you yank it out of the drawer of which it was tightly squeezed at the back of. This must be Eddie's, you think to yourself. It's his Harley Davidson t-shirt and it's been in your drawer for more years than you can remember. You replace the plain white tee for this one and instantly feel better about the outfit, after all, friends can share clothes right? Eddie has probably forgotten all about this t-shirt so you're sure he won't even notice that it is his when he sees you this morning.

You blow dry your hair and allow it to rest naturally on your shoulders, not bothering to style it in any particular way. You add a couple of gold necklaces around your neck from your jewellery box before wrapping the leather belt around your waist and securing it at the front. Eddie's tee is quite big on you, coming down to around your mid thigh, it would make a good t-shirt dress but that's not the look you're going for so you tuck it into your jeans instead. You twist your body around in the mirror to check yourself from all angles. You know the outfit isn't crazy and over the top but it is a huge difference from what you would typically wear to school so you're a little nervous for how all the students of Hawkins are going to react when they see you. You take a deep breath to calm your nerves before spritzing yourself in some musky, slightly cherry scented perfume and making your way out of your bedroom towards the front door. 

As per usual, there's a low hum of rock music blaring from the van parked at the foot of your drive

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As per usual, there's a low hum of rock music blaring from the van parked at the foot of your drive. The driver standing leaning his shoulder against it with a lit cigarette hanging from his lips, watching you as you sling your back pack over your shoulder and shout bye to your mom, closing the front door of your home behind you. He's squinting at you, more specifically at the top that you're wearing.
"Uh excuse me Miss Y/L/N, do I recognise that tee from somewhere?" He points directly at your chest as you approach.
"What, this old thing?" You ask, motioning to the top you're wearing, "oh I must've got it in a yard sale or something." You wink at him, stealing the cigarette from his mouth and putting it to your own lips, taking a long draw and blowing the smoke up into the morning sky.

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