The Red Door

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Eddie stayed over at your house every night this week and then after school you'd both head to his trailer to help Wayne with whatever he needed, making sure he had food in the fridge and the place was tidy enough while he used the alone time to recover. Each night you and Eddie sat at the dinner table to have a family meal with your parents before racing upstairs for important 'assignments'. And while sometimes these would be genuine school homework assignments, it had mostly just turned into a secret code for sex. You're sure your mom had probably guessed that, but she hadn't bothered to embarrass you about it which you were thankful for considering that she seems to enjoy making you squirm with embarrassment usually.

After Corroded Coffins Friday night gig at The Hideout, they had a quick meeting with the bar owner. He recently purchased another bar in the next town over, The Red Door, it's a slightly bigger venue than The Hideout, meaning more customers therefore more exposure for the band. The boys all agree a fee with Matt, the owner of the two bars, hands are shook in agreement, the boys will play at The Red Door tomorrow night.
This new gig along with the original Friday night one, is a great source of income on the side for the boys. It means they'll finally be able to replace the temperamental amp that's been causing them havoc recently. You can see the excitement on each of their faces with Matts offer, they've worked so hard on the passed few Friday nights, giving some real professional performance despite the gigs being in a local bar, they still give it their all. So a second gig, at a bigger venue is definitely a reward that they deserve.

Saturday night is also the night of Robin Buckleys Halloween party, so you'll have to leave early after their gig to go to it. You've managed to convince Eddie to wear a matching couples costume with you, although it did take you all week to convince him and more than a few sexual favours, shall we say, to get him on board. You spent all week preparing the costumes for you both which was a lot of fun, Eddie didn't agree much but he'd do anything to make you happy. He loves Halloween of course, but he doesn't like dressing up which is surprising considering his flare for the dramatics, love for heavy metal and for cinema, which all typically include some form of costume.

You had the Halloween costumes prepped, you kept them in the back of Eddie's van so you could change after the gig and head straight for the party. So now it was just time to get yourself ready for Corroded Coffins first gig at The Red Door. As usual, Eddie and the guys head off early to get set up and do a quick sound check and get to know where everything is at the bar they've never been in before. Like routine, you and Chrissy ready yourselves in your bedroom. Chrissy feels so much more confident when dressing herself for the gig now, she'd been shy and wary before but now she oozes sexiness as she slips into something skimpy and black in colour, styling her hair wildly with added hairspray and painting her lips red. You love to see the dramatic makeover Chrissy gives herself each Friday, from pink and pretty to rockstars girlfriend. You dress yourself with an uneasiness in your stomach, you can't tell if it's excitement or nervousness about attending a new bar you've never been to before. You've decided to go black and red, in keeping with the name of the new bar that Eddie will be performing at tonight, as well as painting your lips a shade of cherry red, with black winged liner making your eyes cat like.

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