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So here we are on day 6, and it's all about leaves. Well more like the verb to leave, because I couldn't think about anything to do with actual leaves.

So let's go back in time a little and explore little Laoina

As always, let me know what you think.

TW: Death

Riv Riv :)

See end of chapter for more notes

"Sometimes you just have to smile, pretend everything's ok, hold back the tears and just walk away," Unknown.

By all accounts, it had been a long day; Lena had sat through several board meetings, budget hearings, and project proposals; you name it, she did it. But, in her defence, she was trying to distract herself from the actual day. Kara came in around lunchtime to ensure she had eaten something, as she was prone to doing. Jess kept popping her head around the door, checking in every couple of hours and reminding her of the day's meetings. It was getting near 10pm when Kara next showed her face on Lena's office balcony, opening the door and making her way towards the witch.

"Hey love," Lena smiled up at her, admiring her beauty, "I think it's time we got you home?" Reluctantly Lena agreed, finishing her final email of the night before signing off her computer. Kara flew ahead to Lena's, with the witch following close behind. Once both inside and sufficiently supplied with Irish tea, sat down on the sofa and flicked on the TV for some background noise. "So, how's your day been?" It was a simple enough question, but Lena felt the answer was less so.

It had been 20 years ago that she and her sister stood by the lake and watched their máthair drown. That moment played over and over in her head as the day went on, now lying here in Kara's arms, some sort of peace was felt.

"I've been thinking about them all day, you know; I have had to really concentrate on keeping my emotions in check. Every time I had just a minute to think about something other than work, the windows started to rattle, and I had to get Jess to remove all the fire from the building. Try explaining to a bunch of scientists that they can't use bunsen burners or anything involving heat and not give them a valid reason." Kara continued to stroke Lena's hair as she spoke, "I've been thinking about her all day, Kara. Where is she, god I don't even know where she is? I left her, and we left each other. Who does that and leaves their family? Guess I'm a Luthor, after all." Lena could no longer hold back the tears as she began talking about Morgause; she missed her.

It was a cool summer evening; she and her deirfiúr were playing in the field around Sí an Bhrú, practising their magic. It was an innocent enough duel, not really putting in the effort required to hurt one another. "Cailíní, am don dinnéar." They both laughed as they skipped off to join their máthair. Laoina was determined to get the last spell in, casting it just as they went through the back door, making Morgause topple to the floor. She stood celebrating her victory until her máthair came over at the sound of the commotion. "Laoina Morgana Kieran, tá a fhios agat nach n-úsáideann muid draíocht ar dhaoine gan a gcead. Gabh mo leithscéal le Morgause." The little girl did as she was told, saying sorry and giving her deirfiúr a hug.

After dinner, their máthair suggested they go down to the lake for a swim. The events flashed before Laoina and Morgause, both of them not truly understanding what was happening as their máthair was dragged under the water by the weeds. Screams of help were exchanged between all of them, but no one came. Finally, upon the realisation of her fate, their máthair looked at them and said, "Bí láidir, tabhair aire dá chéile, is mó grá agam duit ná rud ar bith sa saol seo." Laoina yelled after her as her head went under; Morgause held her back, bringing her into her protective embrace.

Lena similarly laid against Kara, holding onto her like her life depended on it. "The next thing I remember, Lionel was there to pick me up. I remember clinging so hard to Morgause, like if I let go, she would be taken away. And she was Kara, I got in that car, and she didn't. She just smiled with tears in her eyes, waving me off to my new life in America. Nothing made sense without her. It still doesn't. Even after all this time looking for her, I won't give up."

"Nothing is gone forever, only out of place." With that, Laoina snuggled in closer, falling asleep with the knowledge that one-day Morgause would be found; she only had to look where the lost things go.

Yes I know it's a day late. Had a bunch of rehearsals and just collapsed. But anyway I plan to get fully caught up tomorrow.

And before you say anything, I did quote Mary Poppins.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed that as much as possible.

Irish in this:
- deirfiúr - sister
- Sí an Bhrú - Newgrange, Celtic religious sight in Meath
- Cailíní, am don dinnéar. - Girls, time for dinner
- máthair - mother
- Laoina Morgana Kieran, tá a fhios agat nach n-úsáideann muid draíocht ar dhaoine gan a gcead. Gabh mo leithscéal le Morgause. - Laoina Morgana Kieran, you know we don't use magic on people without their permission. Apologise to Morgause.
- Bí láidir, tabhair aire dá chéile, is mó grá agam duit ná rud ar bith sa saol seo. - Be strong, look after each other, I love you more than anything in this world.

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