221: A Day Is Actually A Very Long Time

Start from the beginning

"I'm now one of the most powerful things on the planet, and twenty-one – I can handle it."

"And The Strix won't be looking to trade her like a pet," Elijah looked somewhat offended, "If anything, they'll simply be curious."

Klaus growled, "Eyeing her up like a toy."

"Which I'm not!"

"Certainly not yours," Kol glared.

"This is gonna be a long day," Hayley breathed in slowly.

"A Strix event is the last place I want to be tonight," MJ tried to wrap it all up, "But if they wanna invite me, thinking they're the ones analysing me, I will take the opportunity to prove that this is all stupid and fake."

"I should be there," Kol repeated.

"Given your history," Elijah eyed him up, "I disagree."

"What can they do to me?" He jested, "Give me more body parts to add to my collection?"

"We do not wish to poke a bear meant to protect us."

"Us?" Kol's eyes were fuming, "You."

MJ and Hayley shared a look.

"They cannot kill you."

"No one can kill any of us," Klaus shut down, "The stake is gone."

MJ didn't let herself react, noticing how Kol carefully straightened up, pretending to reign his anger in. If he acted too irrational or worried, they might start to question why, which could lead to MJ having to explain that she had two stakes in her possession.

No one could get to them.

And if no one knew but herself and Kol knew about that, no one would even be trying to.

...Surely, no one else knew.

Davina, Tyler, Katherine...Stefan...Bonnie...Damon – but no one else!

MJ's face dropped.

"What?" Klaus noticed.

"The stake is gone," She nodded, Kol turning to face her, telling her not to reveal it with his eyes, "Spirit Walkers..."

She wasn't going to reveal her weapons to a city with a million ears.

"My brother..."

How to explain it.

"When my brother and I first 'reconnected,' he made a comment about how if you were still bothering me, he could deal with it."


"He repeated the same sentiment to Caroline."

"Your brother was arrogant," Klaus lorded, "And somewhat insane."

"How many of us also qualify as that?" Kol challenged.

"Point is," MJ raised her voice slightly, "If I've learnt anything from what happened, it's to believe in Ryos's capabilities."

Who else had come that close to genuinely wiping out all ancestral magic?

Klaus rolled his eyes, "You bested him."

It was meant to be a compliment.

"And he was a pathological liar."

"But his magic checks out," Kol said it, so she didn't have to.

Since Dahlia's defeat, MJ had been searching for flaws in his books, but there were none. None that weren't deliberate anyway. The book on resurrection was all dark corruption spells because he'd wanted to scare MJ away from the topic.

Lights Flicker And Fade : Kol Mikaelson [3]Where stories live. Discover now