18. Stay or Go

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Everyone seemed to understand after a flood that they were safe on the island, that the Gradys loved them and protected them and stopped being dicks for a bit before they went back to snapping and thinking themselves the boss.

"Run with me?" lena mused leaning into Blue. "See the damage done?"

Delta scoffed, huffing a breath back at her before turning and leaving.

"Brave one you are." Lena agreed. "I will get you some food then we head out later?" Lena countered moving back to the main compound. Aemond saw her out the door and pushed past Alicent.

"LENA!" Aemond shouted chasing after her.

"Dino mission." Lena called over her shoulder as she opened the insulated trunk and pulled out a bag of meat. "You coming?" Lena asked already heading out.

"AEMOND!" Alicent shouted in a panic as he chased after Lena. "AEMOND!"

Aemond slowed his chase as he looked around. Sure there was damage done but there was a peace in the air. It was beautiful. He watched the dinosaurs roaming and grazing. Everyone seemingly getting along.

Lena whistled for him and his gaze shifted back to her.

''So obedient. Like a well trained dragon.'' Lena mused.

"It's so beautiful." Aemond declared.

"Still want to stay?"

"I never want to leave." Aemond agreed as Lena pat Blues head.

"We get good days after a flood." Lena remarked reaching out for him. She grabbed his hand bringing him closer to Blue. "Blue..." Lena coed keeping her eyes on Blue as she put Aemond's hand on her.

"Wow," Aemond whispered.

"Different from riding." Lena remarked. "This one thought it would be fun to give me a heart attack and jump on me this morning." Lena informed him.

"They trust you." Aemond said softly as he felt braver and ran his hand along Blue's neck. Lena tossed their food out as Aemond took a step back. She grabbed her blade, hooking it onto her back and adjusted the blade at her hip. She shook her bag checking the bombs, some looked a bit water logged but others seemed fine. It would have to do.

"Hey," Lena whispered as he turned to her and her hand wrapped around the back of his neck pulling his face to hers. His hands wrapped around her waist as his lips consumed hers.

"Had to make sure if you were staying..." Lena whispered leaning into him.

"That I wasnt a shit kisser?" Aemond mused.

"Something like that." Lena teased kissing him again. "You want to see something really cool?" Aemond nodded as Lena pulled the bike out. "Hop on." She instructed. Daemon watched as they took off.

Daemon wondered if Aemond died, the crown would go to him. If Aemond didnt leave the island, still the crown would be his...

Lena stopped the bike and looked around.

"You see that?" She pointed through the trees to a clearing.

"Gods this place is beautiful." Aemond declared stepping forward.

"One of the Dino bunkers." Lena remarked. "After storms I like to check them out, all the containments make sure everyone is safe."

"You lost many dinos last night?" Aemond pondered.

"We always do in floods. The aquatic dinos are terrors. I'm honestly surprised they stick around the island as much as they do. But we are pretty far out, they tend to head to-" Lena stopped herself as she started laughing.

"What?" Aemond asked staring at her smile.

"Grab that end." Lena requested as they lifted the latch. She peered in. "This one always gives me trouble." She remarked. "I need to tinker it better before the next one. It needs that seal-" she smacked her hands together. "-Because its lower down, flooded more easily." Aemond took a step back as dinosaurs of all sizes stepped into the light.

"Hey guys, welcome back. Soak in the sun." Lena declared. "The aquatics are terrors, they kill and populate all the damn time. It's like they know, they know we are here and smell the other dinos and want a bigger meal and they know they cant get that near the main land. Meg the fucker goes everywhere- Oh the dorthraki, Gods those men. I feel bad for them honest I do. Quazie and I were doing some recon and Meg, Lizzie and thank God you didnt meet, Bessie." Lena remarked as she moved down into the bunker. No blood, no teeth, just a few puddles, perfect.

Aemond stared in disbelief as everyone was civil and roaming and grazing.

"Meg terrorized the dorthraki and now they are terrified of water, for good reason." Lena remarked. "I would be too if I was a lesser woman." She mused.

"Survived night two." Aemond remarked softly as he looked to Rex coming their way.

"Hey Rex." Lena declared. "My good boy, he was quite helpful-" Lena silenced herself. "Sorry, he was your brother."

"Never much liked him." Aemond reminded her.

Lena sat down and Rex bent closer there was a brief moment of panic in Aemonds eyes as Rex got closer and closer.

"Good boy." Lena coed rubbing his long nose.

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