Chapter 31: Sugar Mommy Vibes.

Start from the beginning

The weekend?!

"It's the weekend?!"

Analissa on her bare feet ran to the nearest window there and saw into the distance, so many commoners from the commoner dormitory were coming out of the school in their casual clothes.

Nobility were most likely be out and about on their tea parties or balls or whatever- but-

"It's the weekend... But I wanted a school day... A magical school day... I can't believe I missed it... sniff." (Analissa) wipes off the snot running under her nose looking over so many people possibly planning out their day just doing some casual outing.

Liara was oddly concerned for the girl... and half of her concern was hoping she won't wipe that dreadful snot on milady's expensive dorm window.

"W-Well since you're well I believe your part time job would be waiting for you to reassure them that you're well?" (Liara) suggested, remembering that her sister was sent out to give a letter for Analissa's sake.

The blonde girl's mood did a complete turn with the talk of her part-time job at the restaurant just outside the school. "Oh right, my part time job? I only told milady about it though..."

"Yes but she has filled in on what may happen. Not to worry, milady has already sent a letter for your stead there as well." (Liara) felt so sure of herself, now she won't be looking like a sad cockroach wiping its snot on the window.

"She sent a letter to my job... for my sake?"

Analissa pondered, feeling something was amiss.

"Yes, I haven't seen Milady this considerate for well... ever since we left for the academy I suppose." (Liara) smiles as she tells Analissa of this but her mind slips off elsewhere.

The fact that she found Lady Evelyn's actions towards giving a letter for her excuse in absence didn't give her a weird feeling; she even found it sweet.


"I never gave Lady Evelyn my job address." (Analissa) mutters, trying to remember if there was even a moment of her telling the villainess of where she worked.

All that she remembered was her telling Lady Evelyn of how she volunteered to be the one taking care of their egg project in the morning because at night she needed to go to work.

That was all she said. So how come the villainess already knows where she works?

"Liara... How does Lady Evelyn know where I work? Do you know?" (Analissa) looks over with her blue eyes staring in a very scary way, mixed with curiosity but you could definitely tell with her stare she was not fooling around.


Shit, the maid thought, feeling her palms sweating and her lips quivering.

Liara stood there feeling like she definitely fucked up on this one.

"Well! You know- err!" (Liara) for once in her life she panicked.

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