Reaper Vs Monster

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Braun comes out and yells out to the crowd before making his way to the ring.

Jojo: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, weighing 385 lbs, Braun Strowman!

Michael: And tonight's main event is gonna be crazy! We'll finally see Damian have his first match since the Royal Rumble, and against the Monster Among Men!

Corey: Indeed, Michael. And Braun is going to get revenge for Damian's numerous attacks on him. And Damian's gonna have Braun pushed away to focus on Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania.

Braun enters the ring as he roars to the crowd before turning to the stage. His theme fades as he waits for his opponent. Soon, the lights went out with a gong...

The arena gets covered in a mist before a figure comes out. The camera zooms in and reveals Damian beneath the hoodie. He raised his head before making his way to the ring.

Jojo: His opponent, from Death Valley, weighing at 305 lbs, Damian Calaway!

Michael: The Son of the Phenom has arrived. Tonight will be his first match since the Rumble.

Corey: This is going to be epic, Cole. We'll get to see Damian in his first match tonight. And we don't know if Braun will regret targeting Damian, but the Reaper will make him regret it.

Damian stood at ringside, glaring at Braun before walking to the steps. He walks up the steps as he stands in front of the post. He raises his arms as lightning strikes were heard as the lights went back on.

He then enters the ring as he glares at Strowman, who glares back. He then pulls off his hoodie before removing his coat and tossing it to the side as his theme fades. He warms up as Braun warms up too. Soon, the match begins but both monsters stood there stoic and unafraid. They then step toward each other and stare down.

Damian being 6'11, towers down Braun who is around 6'8-9, who glares back at him. They stared at one another before Strowman went for the first punch, but Damian blocks it and smacks Braun.

Braun stumbles a bit then gets a knee to the gut as Damian backs him to the ropes. He throws several punches before going for an Irish Whip. Strowman counters and sends Damian to the ropes. He went for a clothesline but Damian counters, bounce off the ropes, and hits a Running DDT on Strowman.

Damian gets up as Braun does too before Damian grabs his head and sends him to the corner. Damian knees him in the gut before sending Braun hard against the other corner. He walks over to him, hits a back elbow before grabbing his arm.

He pulls him back and wrenches the arm before thrusting it down. He wrenches it again and hits a Shoulder Block on Strowman, who still stood on his feet. He then walks to the corner and climbs up. The crowd got to their feet as Damian, to the shock of many, walks the top rope.

Damian goes for Old School, but Strowman caught it as he applies a Bear Hug. Damian groans as he feels the pain around his body. Soon, Strowman turns and drives him back first onto the turnbuckle. He let's go and starts hitting several shoulder thrusts on Damian.

Soon, he grabs him and went goes for the Biel. Suddenly, Damian counters, wraps his arms around Strowman and hits an Flatliner. Damian goes for the cover but Strowman kicks out. Damian then applies a choke hold to try and wear down Braun. Braun struggles to break free as the Reaper has a clear death grip on him while the ref checks on.

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