Heeseung then stared back for a second before it finally clicked in his head. His eyes lit up slightly and his lips curved into a small smile, charmed by the younger's innocence.

"..Do you want me to shower with you?"

Jake's eyes flickered back and forth between the older's gaze again before he nodded slowly, which made Heeseung's smile grow even wider. 

As Jake stood in the shower, waiting for the water to get hot, he began to second-guess himself.

Is this weird? We're both guys, so it doesn't matter, right? But we're also a couple? Maybe this was a mistake-

His thoughts were interrupted as the front part of the curtain pulled back. In stepped Heeseung, taking his stand under the shower head, and Jake immediately turned the other way out of embarrassment.

He heard a laugh come from behind him. "Don't worry, pup. I won't look. Unless you want me to" Heeseung said, and the younger could just hear the smirk in his voice. 

"Y-you better not!" Jake said defensively, crossing his arms over his chest in an 'x' shape, yet he himself couldn't help but steal a glance at the older.

The sight of water cascading down through the older's pinkish-reddish hair and rolling off his smooth, sharp shoulders was truly one to behold. Then Jake realized he was staring, so he quickly snapped his neck back around, blushing hard.

"It's ok, pup. You can stare at me all you want. I promise I won't look at you though" the younger heard Heeseung say. How did he know?!

"I-I wasn't staring! I was just making sure you weren't looking!" Jake said, trying to hide how flustered he was.

The older laughed again in response. Jake stole another peek, this time to actually make sure the older wasn't looking, but Heeseung had kept his word and was still facing the shower head, minding his own business as he focused on shampooing his scalp.

The younger then turned his head back around again and smiled to himself. It was awkward and uncomfortable at first, but Heeseung had proven his ability to respect Jake's boundaries and privacy, which made the younger feel a whole new level of trust towards the older. He wasn't there to ogle or make a move like many other romantic partners would have done. He was just there to shower and keep Jake company, like the younger had asked, and words couldn't describe how grateful Jake felt to be with someone so mature.

Timeskip: 11:15pm

The two finished showering and decided to cook the ramyeon together, unable to agree to letting the other person do all the work.

Jake was at the counter slicing spam while Heeseung stood at the stove cooking the noodles and boiling a couple eggs for garnish.

The younger finished cutting the last bit of spam before washing the knife and putting it away. He was about to throw the spam in the pot, but Heeseung suddenly tossed a load of something else—green, of all colors—in instead. 

Jake's eyes widened in horror as he quickly craned his neck to see. Just as he suspected, little wads of green onion bubbled up to the surface and started floating around with the noodles, tainting the entire pot's aroma with their stench.

"HYUNG!!" Jake said, turning to the older with a big frown on his face. "Why'd you put in green onions?? You know I hate those!!"

Heeseung laughed. "You need to eat your vegetables, pup. Plus, it'll make the ramyeon like, 10 times better. Trust me."

Blessings, Curses, & Confusion | HeeJake |Where stories live. Discover now