Chapter One

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Sitting in front of her mirror, Marilyn went over her face bit by bit.
No eyebags; check
No bruise ; check
No swollen eyelids; check.

The foundation and concealer she applied seemed to be working quite well, it even added some colour to her sickly pale face.

She stood up and patted her hair, She had arranged it into a tidy bun. Looking at the clock, the time had already gone far, She knew she had to hurry. He could come back anytime soon.
Carrying her purse, and turning the door, she heard heavy footsteps.

Terror seized her immediately, and she started pulling off the gown she'd worn, and seized a big t-shirt from the bed. Grabbing a clean wipe, she wiped her face clean of the heavy makeup she'd put on. And dived under the sheets, as the lock turned.

Someone got inside the room, and though she knew who it was, she still pretended to be asleep.

She felt the bed sink in, as he sat on it. He sighed, and she felt his hand touch her hair lightly.

Cold ran through her body, as she realised, she hadn't loosened the bun. She prayed he wouldn't notice, but as usual, her prayers weren't answered.

"Going somewhere, weren't we?" His deep drawl crawled up her skin like a reptile.

She shook involuntarily, dread settling at the pit of her stomach. Within a second, he lifted her from the bed and threw her to the ground.

She winced, as pain shot through her body.

"Who were you going to meet?!" He bellowed, and kicked her stomach. Marilyn knew there was no need answering, so she didn't bother.

"I warned you Marie! I warned you!" He dragged her, and a blow landed on her head.

Tears flowed freely down her cheeks, as she felt her lip split. She hated herself, and felt very filthy. She knew she shouldn't let him do this, she knew she was supposed to report him to the police, after the previous beating, and the one before, and the one before that.. but she couldn't, and fear was now a welcome companion.

"Get up! You are f**King crazy! I've warned you a thousand times, not to test my patience, but you never listen." He shouted.

"I'm sorry." She said quietly.

"Sorry, you still have the guts to say SORRY?" He screamed, and hit her across her jaw.

She dropped immediately.

He wasn't done yet, he continued hitting her, swearing and cursing. As usual, she let herself go numb with the pain, till all she saw was darkness.


She woke up panting, sweat beaded her forehead, and terror squeezed her chest.
It had all seemed so real, and she couldn't believe that it was all a dream.
He's dead. He's dead. She repeated to herself over and over, till she felt sure of the words.

Standing up on shaky legs, she opened her door, and walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

Taking a huge gulp, she set the glass down, closing her eyes.

"Mom...." Danny's voice startled her. He stood in the kitchen doorway.

"What are you doing up honey, what time is it?" She asked, carrying him up to her room.

"I had a nightmare......." He said, his voice breaking.

"The big spider again?" She asked, touching his forehead lightly. Opening the door, she set him on her bed.

"Yea, he was running towards...." He stopped abruptly.

"You can say it honey." She said soothingly.

"Look.... the window's open." Danny said.

Turning, Marilyn gasped. Her window was broken, and the glass was all over the floor. The cold night air rushed into the room, bringing goosebumps all over her.

"Quiet." She whispered, and she saw Danny nod his head in the dark.

She grabbed the gun from her drawer, and tiptoed over to the light switch.

She held back her scream, as she gazed at her room.

Written in Red marker all over the walls were the words; I'M BACK, BITCH!"

Yelping, she grabbed her phone and dialled 911.

Hi, if you just read this, thank you Soo much😘😘😘😘
I'll be updating thrice a day, and I need all ur support and love. Feel free to comment, and vote, and I promise the next chapter will be longer.

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