🖋Chapter 4: Back To Normal? 📒

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You spot Marinette waving at you, and you rush towards the alleyway she's hiding in. 

"Okay, to de-transform, just say 'Tikki, Spots Off'." She whispers, and you repeat the phrase which causes your costume to disappear, Tikki reappearing right after.

"That was uh..that was something. Could've died if I did something wrong- but I'm alive, so--"

"I'm so relieved.. Thank you for doing this for me, even though I was too scared to do it myself.." Her smile saddens a moment.

You put a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's okay, Marinette. You have your reasons. I know I'd be scared in your position after what happened yesterday." She gives you a small smile and you say goodbye to Tikki, giving Marinette her earrings back. 

"I hope this is just gonna be a one-time thing.." You mutter.

"I'm sure it will be, hopefully." She smiles sheepishly, and you sigh in response. 

"Let's just get back to class before people start to ask questions."

The two of you run back to school.


"Claws in." 

Adrien stands in front of a wall, looking at his kwami companion, Plagg. He gives him some camembert cheese to restore his energy.

"Wow, a new Ladybug? I wonder if he's anyone we know- ..Then again, I don't think I wanna see reveals for a while."

"Let's not worry about the new Ladybug right now, you should get back to class before you're late-" Plagg pushes his shoulder slightly.

"Ah, you're right-" He runs back to class.

Who are you really?.. Will he see you again? 


Thankfully, you make it back to class right on time. Everyone seems totally fine, like nothing just happened. How can they do that so easily? It's a bit unsettling..

You take your seat, letting out a calm sigh as you do so. 

Nathaniel gives you a wave, sketching what seems to be a comic page. 

"I really like your art style, Nathaniel. It's cool."

"Oh, thanks. I've been practicing for a while."

"Same here. You got any tips for help with anatomy? It isn't my strongsuit.."

"Oh, sure! I can show you a few tricks."

"Really? Thanks." You smile as he scoots closer to you, moving his sketchbook so you both can see it clearly. The two of you discuss your methods for drawing quietly, unintentionally tuning out Ms. Bustier's words. 

Class eventually ends, and you part ways with Nathaniel as Chloe walks up to you. 

"C'mon, let's go outside during the break." 

"Just give me a sec Chloe, I've gotta uh..freshen up. Take a breather after what just happened."

"Oh, right, I gotcha. I'll be waiting at a bench outside with Sabrina, I'm sure you'll see me immediately." 

"Yeah." You turn away from her, walking to the nearest bathroom and going inside, leaning against the door after making sure no one else is in here.

"How can people just suddenly be okay after all of that? How in the world did they do it?" You run your hands through your hair. "I could've DIED if Chat didn't save me- How in the world could Marinette do all of that?" 

"So, the new Ladybug..is a boy?" Chat Noir/Adrien x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now