Chapter 1: An Unscheduled Reveal, and A New Student

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The sounds of rain hitting the ground. The cries and screams of the townsfolk, afraid of the enemy currently terrorizing Paris. The roar of thunder. These are all that could be heard.

Ladybug summons her Lucky Charm, only to be hit directly into a nearby wall when trying to figure out how to use it. Chat calls out to her, worried for his Lady.

"Ladybug! Are you alright?"
"Chat, just go after the villain- I- I'll figure this out, I promise!"
"You got it, milady!"

Chat runs off, and Ladybug leans against the wall, feeling a major amount of pain. But she couldn't tell him about it..she didn't want to worry him.

"I have to keep trying- even if it hurts-" She gets up, staggering slightly. A bit of blood falls from her mouth, which she quickly wipes away. 

Chat fights his hardest against the enemy as Ladybug tries to figure out what to do with her Lucky Charm. She runs ahead, using her yo-yo to swing across the rooftops, hitting the enemy and joining him. 

Several minutes pass. Hit after hit, an endless cycle. 

Every time Ladybug attempted to use her Lucky Charm, she'd be hit by the enemy once more. 

"Milady, are you sure you're alright? You're bleeding-"
"I've got this- just a little more-"
"Maybe we should wait a second."

Her earrings beep, signaling that she'd de-transform soon. 

"You need to hurry, milady-"
"Right, I'll figure this out- LOOK OUT!"

The enemy's fist goes right towards Chat, and Ladybug pushes him out of the way, taking the hit instead and being knocked back, sent flying through the air and landing on a nearby rooftop. 

"LADYBUG!" Chat turns to the enemy. "This isn't over-" 

He quickly moves across the rooftops over to Ladybug, seeing her de-transforming.

"Chat, I- ..I didn't want you to find out like this. But..I- It much. I can't do this for much longer- this enemy is much stronger than I anticipated.. I'm so tired..I've..I've failed."
"Milady, there's still time."
"Please..don't call me Milady, Chat."
"I can't do this anymore."
"Marinette, please. We can still stop the akumatized villain, there's still hope-"

"I know there's still hope. But..not for me. But you, you can stop them. I couldn't..I couldn't figure out what to do on my own. I couldn't use my lucky charm, I couldn't fight, I let myself get hurt.. And everyone knows the truth about me."

"Oh my god, Ladybug is Marinette?"

"This just in, the identity of Ladybug has been revealed! Marinette Dupain-Cheng is one of Paris' beloved heroes, Ladybug!"

"No way..Marinette? Really?"

"Hawk Moth knows my identity now. It's too dangerous..for me to keep being Ladybug."

"What are you saying?.."

"I'm saying..that I need to find a new holder for the Ladybug earrings."

Tikki frowns, feeling tears prick at her eyes as she floats beside them.

"You can't..I don't understand..why?"
"I'm not right for this position. I don't think I ever was, Chat. But..maybe I can find someone else who is. I'll still be your friend, Chat..but..we're no longer..going to be partners." 

"Marinette, I'm actually-"

"No, Chat- I don't want to know- no one should know- if Hawk Moth knows who I am he could akumatize me and use me to take your Miraculous too- it's best for your identity to remain a secret to me."
Chat sighs, frowning. "You're right..I'm sorry, Marinette. If only things could've turned out differently..where's Bunnyx when you need her?"
"Not here.." 

"So, the new a boy?" Chat Noir/Adrien x Male ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя