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No One POV

The next day , Y/N woke up then she went to the bathroom and taking a shower . Eun Ji just woke up then she still searching Y/N . "Mama?" Y/N finished her shower then open the door "Wait , let mama wear some clothes okay?" Eun Ji nodded . Y/N wear her clothes then she went to Eun JI's direction "Take a shower then we will go to your new school okay?" Eun Ji nodded happily then rushed to the bathroom making the latter chuckled at her reaction this morning

After Y/N helping Eun Ji wear her clothes , both of them went to the downstairs . "Baby?" Y/N look at Jihyo "Yes unnie?" she smiled "You're bringing Eun Ji to the school?" Y/N nodded "She said she want to go to school so yeah" Jihyo hummed "Alright , I'll just accompany both of you" Y/N smiled then she help Eun Ji wore her shoes while Jihyo getting ready . The three of them enter the car and Jihyo drove to Eun Ji's new school which is not far from Nayeon's company 

As they arrived , Y/N hold Eun Ji's hand and headed to the principle room . Y/N knocked and open the door "Miss Lee" Y/N bowed then Ms Lee smiled "Have a seat Y/N" Y/N nodded then sit infront of Ms Lee . "So you're the one contact to me for your daughter registration to my school?" Y/N nodded "Yes , I am" Ms Lee hummed then she gave the paper "Here sign this and I'll accompany your daughter to her class" Y/N smiled then thanked to Ms Lee after she signed it

"Eun Ji-ya , don't be naughty on the first day of school okay?" Eun Ji nodded then Y/N kissed her forehead before she head to work "Jihyo noona will pick you up later okay?" Eun Ji give an 'ok' signal then Y/N waved goodbye to her daughter . She sighed then headed to Jihyo's car . She enter the car "I already told Eun Ji that you'll pick her up" Jihyo hummed "Alright since I'm not busy too much so it's fine" Y/N only chuckled then both of them drove to the company 

Your POV

I walk to the main door with Jihyo unnie but I heard someone screaming beside our company , I look at Jihyo unnie "Unnie hold my bag" she hold my bag then I went to the direction where the sound comes from "HELP!!" I heard it clearly then I went closer to the place then I saw two men's who was trying to rape the girl "HOI" I shout then both of them look at me "Let go of that girl" one of them came closer to me "What if we don't want- fuck" I kicked his leg make him fall

"You little brat- AGHH!" I punch his stomach then kick his balls . I went to the girl direction "Shh it's fine , I'm here okay" I gave her my jacket to cover herself then I helped her , I was about to go but then a man pulls my arm making me fall . 'Shit' I cursed then I stood up "You can't beat us little girl" but then I saw a blood spitted infront of me when I saw Nayeon unnie holding her gun "Baby , did they hurting you?" she look at me worriedly "I'm fine" she sighed 

After the incident , I went to the girl "Hey , you'll be alright" she look at me "Thanks for helping me" I smiled "You can call me Y/N" she smiled "Jeon Somi , you can call me Somi" I nodded "You can stay awhile at our office" at first she was refused but then I offer her and she gladly accept . The three of us with Somi headed to the office , I gestured her to sit on the sofa "Y/N why are you- Somi?" I look at Chaeyoung who startled when she saw Somi who just sit on the sofa 

"You both know each other?" they nodded at me which I hummed "I see" they chuckled and talk to each other while I went to Nayeon unnie's office . I knock the door then open the knob reveal Nayeon unnie who just busy signing the paper "Unnie?" she hummed and stop her work "Yes baby?" I went to her direction "Thanks for helping me" she smiled "Not a problem" I fidgeting my fingers "How did you have a pistol with you?" she look at me and telling the reason 

Jihyo POV

I look at my wristwatch 'Shook' I mumbled then I grab my purse and my key car , I rushingly headed to the car park . I enter my car and drove to Eun Ji's school , few minutes later I arrive infront of the school . I look at Eun Ji who just walking with her friends then I leave the car and went to her direction , she smiled at me "Jihyo noona" I smiled "aw baby come here" I open my arms and she hugged me "Noona , this is my friend . His name is Park Sunghoon" I look at him

"Noona can call me Sunghoon" I chuckled and patted his head "Alright Sunghoon , where is your mother?" he point to Rose who just shock when she saw me "Oh unnie , what are you doing here?" she look at me "Nah just picking up Y/N's daughter" I said while patting Eun Ji's head "Ah I see" I chuckled "I didn't know you're sending your son here too" she laugh "Jisoo ask me to send him to school so yeah" I hummed "Alright I should go now rosie , see you later" she nodded

"Noona knows Sunghoon's mother?" I nodded "She is my lil sister" Eun Ji nodded "Are you hungry?" she shook her head "I miss mommy Mina" I froze when I heard Mina's name "You missed mommy Mina?" she nodded which I remained silent . As we arrived , I bring Eun Ji to Nayeon's office . I twisted the knob and look at her "Unnie?" she look at me and smiled "Eun Ji , come here" Eun Ji went to her direction "I'll go now" Nayeon nodded then I left her office 

I was on my way going back to my office but then I was clueless what Eun Ji said earlier , I stood up infront of my door , I sighed then enter my office and sit on my swivel chair . 'Should I telling this to Y/N?' I sighed deeply and continue my work . I continue my work and checking all the paper , I went to the pantry and make some coffee for myself but then I saw Y/N "Unnie , where is Eun Ji?" I back to my sense "She was in Nayeon's room" she hummed and I smiled at her 

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