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Your POV

I woke up from my nap then headed to the kitchen , I open the fridge and start to cooking . After that I put those food on the counter and I heard the main door opened , I look at Nayeon unnie and Sana unnie? I went to their direction "Unnie what happen-" I saw some bruises then Nayeon unnie hugged me "It's okay baby , you'll be fine" I look at her "B-But how about you?" she shushed me and I sighed "Sana unnie?" she look at me "What happen?" she look at unnie 

"She went to Mina's house and at the end both of them fight" I hummed then put some ointment on Nayeon unnie's bruise "You should be careful unnie , she is dangerous" she cupped my cheek "I did this for your safety baby" I hummed "I know but you're my only unnie , I don't want to lose you" she smiled and kissed my forehead . "You should go rest unnie , I'll just eat my dinner" she nodded then Sana unnie look at me "You can stay here if you want" she smiled 

I went to the kitchen and start to dig in , I scroll my phone then watching some TikTok videos . After I finished my food , I clean all up then headed back to my room . I lay on my bed then open my laptop then watch some movies . I heard a knock revealed Sana unnie "Oh unnie what's bring you here?" she scratch her nape "Can I sleep here? I think my fiance is in deep slumber and her room locked" I giggles and she lay beside me then hugged my waist . 

The next day , I woke up and look at my phone 'It was 9 am' I mumbled and wash my face . After that I went to the kitchen but I was greeted by Mamasan "You're awake Y/N , the breakfast on the table . You should eat" I smile and thanked her then I went to the dining table and start to dig in. I saw Sana unnie with Jihyo unnie went to dining room then both of them sat beside me and having their breakfast too . I enjoy my breakfast while listen to them talking to each other 

Nayeon POV

I washed myself and the bruises still not healed then I change my clothes . I took my phone and immediately called Jeongyeon . I ended the call then headed to dining room , I saw the three of them having their breakfast while I joined too . I take a sip of coffee , then I heard a bell rang from the main door . I immediately went to the main door and open the door revealed Jeongyeon , I smile and accompany her to the dining room . The others squeaked happily

I gave her my breakfast then she look at me "Aren't you hungry?" I shake my head then she smile "Thanks jagi" she kissed my cheeks and start to dig in while the others finished their food "Baby?" Y/N look at me "Yes unnie , is there anything?" I sign her to stay with both of us then she sat back to her seat "Look , I know it's hard for you to going out because the incident" she look at me "But for now , I'll let the guards follow you whenever you are" she nodded slowly 

"It's fine unnie , I mean I really appreciate if you did this for my safety . I'll be fine" I smile and patted her head then Jeongyeon look at her "Y/N-ah , if you need anything you can call me incase if something happen to you" Y/N smile and nodded to her "You can go now" she stood up and left me and Jeongyeon . "Babe , did you fight with Mina again?" I sighed and nodded "Aish , you make me worried about you" she groaned and I kissed her cheeks "I'm fine okay" she sighed

After Jeongyeon finished her breakfast , I immediately dragged her to my room . Both of us lay down on my bed then she caressed my hair "Jagi?" she hummed "I was thinking about Y/N to have a relationship with others" she look at me "Babe , you know that she still recovering from her past relationship , isn't make her stressed too much? I mean look at her condition because her ex wife abusive to her . You should give her some time though" Jeongyeon said was right 

No One POV

Y/N on the other side , she were laying on her bed then look at the ceiling . She close her eyes slowly but then she reminds of something which is she felt heavy on her chest . 'Fuck it' she hold her chest in pain while her tears fell down , she open her eyes and roaming around the room . She packed all her clothes and headed to Mr Haru's room . She knocked the door then the door opened "Y/N? Is there anything?" Y/N hummed then telling to Mr Haru sending her to the airport

Y/N went to Mamasan's room "Mamasan?" Mamasan look at her "Y/Nnie , what's bring you here?" Y/N sighed "I'll left Japan by today" Mamasan smile sadly "You alone?" Y/N hummed then Mamasan patted her head "It's fine , you should tell to Nayeon about this okay?" Y/N nodded then she went to Nayeon's room . She knocked the door then open the door "Oh Y/N what is it?" Y/N look at her "I'll left Japan by today" Nayeon look at her worriedly "Are you sure?" Y/N nods

"Where are you going?" Y/N smile "Going for a healing , maybe next week I'll coming back to Korea" Nayeon hummed "If you say so then , I'll let you" Y/N nodded "But..." Y/N look at Nayeon "How about Hyunjin's wedding? Are you going?" Y/N remained silent "I...I'll think about it later" before Y/N left the room , Nayeon gave her black card "Use it when you're at there later" Y/N smiled and thanked to Nayeon . Y/N hugged Jeongyeon and Nayeon then she left the room 

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