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No One POV

While Yuna was choosing her clothes , Hyunjin was spacing out looking at Yuna when he remembered that he went going out with Y/N . 'I need to let you go , I will miss you Y/Nnie' he sighed then back to his sense when Yuna coming back to his direction . "You done?" Yuna nodded then both of them went to other shop to find what they wanted to buy . Hyunjin turning on his phone and received text from Y/N but then he ignored it then he followed Yuna along 

Few hours later , they went to the cafe and ordered their drinks . Hyunjin waiting for their orders while Yuna searching for vacant seat , she sit then Hyunjin came back with their drinks . Hyunjin sat infront of Yuna then give Yuna her drinks . "Thanks Hyunjin , so after this are you headed back to the hotel?" Hyunjin nodded "It was quiet hectic but I enjoy walking together with  you" Yuna blushed "T-thanks" Hyunjin chuckled then both of them continue their conversation . 

While Y/N , she was changed her clothes into sports and headed to downstairs where Mina looking at her confusedly "Where are you going?" Y/N remain silent "Jogging" Mina hummed "Can I with you?" Y/N nodded "I'll wait here" Mina nodded and she immediately changing her clothes and then she went to Y/N's direction "Let's go" Mina clung her arm with Y/N then both of them went to the park together . They walk around the park for a few minutes .

Y/N sat on the nearest bench then she drink her water . "Mama" a little girl came to her direction , she frowned then kneeled down "Where is your mama?" the little girl look at her "Mama" she hold Y/N's hand . "Baby , stay with me and we will find your mama okay?" the little girl nods then Y/N lift her up . Mina appeared somewhere else and look at them "Who's kid is this?" Y/N shrugged it "I found when she run to me , I think she lost" Mina look at the little girl and sighed

It's been a hour , Y/N still searching mother of the little girl "Why do I felt her parents throw her away" Mina look at her confusedly "What do you mean baby?" Y/N sighed "Look , we need to bring her back because it's been freaking hours we still didn't find her mother" Mina hummed "If you say so then we bring her back" Y/N frowned then both of them went back to their house and bringing the little girl with them . Y/N put the little girl down and take some snack to give it to her

Your POV

I look at the little girl who just hugging me then I sighed "What should I call you" I look at her then she pinched my cheeks "Mama" I smiled a bit "I should name you Eun Ji"  she only give me a happy clap then Mina sat beside me "I give a name for her , Lim Eun Ji" Mina look at me "W-what?" I frowned "You didn't like that name-" she cutted me off "I mean I'm fine with it , I like it!" I hummed and she kissed my forehead while Eun Ji play with our hands .

I went to the kitchen and making some food while Mina playing with Eun Ji . I take all those ingredients then start to chopping it . After that I cook Mina's favorite food which is pasta , I finished cooking and headed back to living room where they are . I look at my phone and received a text from Jihyo unnie , I headed to upstairs then changed my clothes . "Are you going somewhere else?" I look at Mina then nodded . I grab my wallets and my keys then left the house

I drove to Jihyo unnie's house and parked my car infront of her house . I rang the bell and revealed her "Oh Y/N , come inside!" I followed her then sat on the sofa . "Where is unnie by the way?" she smiled "She went out for a while and why are you coming here? Aren't you supposed to be with Mina right now?" I shook my head at her "Nah , kinda bored so why not I should visit you guys" she chuckled "If you say then" she scroll her phone while I watch some TV series . 

"So far , how's your relationship with Mina? Is it okay?" I look at Jihyo unnie  "I don't know unnie , my feelings for her now are faded ...I mean even it's been a week after we get back, I can't even accept her anymore" Jihyo unnie patted my back "I know you have trust issue but then it's fine we are always welcoming you here" I smile then hugged her "Thanks unnie" she chuckled "Now you just need to think whenever you want to stay with her or not" I hummed

Few hours after that I drove back to my house and I was greeted by Eun Ji but I look at Eun Ji hide behind my back then I kneeled down "Baby what's wrong?" Eun Ji point Mina who was laying on the sofa with another girl which I didn't surprised , I look Eun Ji then smile "Mama not hurting?" I shook my head "Follow Mama , we need to leave the house" she nodded then follow me behind . I went to our shared room then packing all my things and belongings . 

I bring all my belongings and put it in my car while Eun Ji waiting me in the car . I went back and headed to Mina's direction , I tapped her shoulder then she turn around while her eyed widened "Baby-" I put my fingers on her lips "No need to explain anything , because I want you to know that my feelings for you now are faded , in conclusion I hope you won't contact or see me again okay? And you , please take care of this troublemaker cheater for me" I smile then left the house 

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