She looked at me in disbelief before laughing" You know young missus, your smirk resembles that of young master Leonid" I immediately made a face of annoyance even though I wasn't annoyed. In fact any resemblance I had to any of my brothers made me happy.

"Stop trying to change the topic" I added with a pout.

"If you insist-" before she could say anything she was interrupted by a knock.

Knock, knock

"Young missus it is Armen, your brothers have called you downstairs for Lunch, it is advisable you wear something casual. I shall take my leave then " Armen finished.

Groaning I couldn't help but make my way to the wardrobe. Kimberly stood up as well as she helped me pick out an outfit to wear. And to think I almost heard my first ever love story that wasn't at all fictional.

After we picked the outfit she dragged me back to the bathroom and told me to take a shower.

After I was down I came out wearing a bath gown she immediately pulled me to a chair as she helped dry my hair as soon as it was dry she put some products on my hair that made my black hair shine, something I thought was impossible.

She gave me a different dress than what we had chosen in the beginning and it was a dress that Ilya had randomly given to me.

It was a vintage French creme brule print lace up hem split sling dress and it honestly looked so good on me, fortunately it also covers the scars on my back, I couldn't help but remind myself.

She also gave me white Hermes sandals to wear. Before we left she curlyed my hair half way.

"What about make-up?" I couldn't help but ask.

She gave me a look of disbelief "You are aware that you're 14 young missus"

So what she's saying is that 14 year olds shouldn't even be wearing make-up then. Then what were those 12 year olds doing with makeup on their faces.

"Plus even if you were allowed to wear makeup you young missus wouldn't need" she finished with a smile.

"Now off we go" she said as she followed me to the door.

"Wait you're coming with me?" I questioned in surprise.

"Well I have to after all I am your secretary but don't worry you won't even notice me from where I'll be standing or sitting" she said.

"No, I didn't mean it as a bad thing, I was just surprised is all" I told her not wanting her to think I didn't want her around me.

"I know young missus"she told me as I smiled at me. I couldn't help but sigh at the fact that she called me young missus instead of my name, but she said that it would make her uncomfortable if she were to call me by my name.

We made our way downstairs and I spotted an annoyed Ilya who was wearing a green opened shirt and black short trousers with black sandals as well. His hair as always looked like it had been run through too many times.

"Good Morning Ilya" I gave him a smile as he raised his head to look at me.

"It's the afternoon Chris and if it was truly a good day I would be in my bedroom ,asleep or reading a book" he said in annoyance.

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