the one with phoebe's husband

Start from the beginning

"i can't believe you're dressing up for him. i mean, you're just, you're setting yourself up all over again." monica shakes her head slightly at phoebe who shakes her head in disagreement. 

"ok, no. for you information i'm going to see him so i can put all those feelings behind me. ok, and the reason i'm dressed like this is because i think it's nice to look nice for your gay husband." phoebe explains, the rest of the group sharing a look. after a moment, gianna leans forward to pour more milk into her tea. 

"oh, damn, we're all out of milk." she pauses, holding the pitcher in front of chandler's chest, flipping the lid open. "hey honey, would you fill me up here?" the rest of the group can't hide their laughter, gianna biting her lip at chandler turns to look at her slowly. 

"oh i see, i see, because of the third nipple thing. ha...ha...ha..." he dissolves into a pool of embarrassment as gianna giggles quietly, squishing in beside him as a way of apologizing. 


gianna felt elated, her body was constantly on fire-but not the scorching, searing, hot, painful kind, but the beautiful, poetic, tantalizing kind. she walked through the halls of the university to her office and settling down into some work. 

"knock knock." behind her, regan was leaning against the door frame, sleeves pushed up to his elbows as he folded his arms. 

"hey reg-" a sudden realisation dawned on gianna, a very real and heart-wrenching realisation. 

"oh that's a new one, kind of hoping that one doesn't catch on..." he teases, now leaning back against her desk. his figure towered over her and gianna almost thought about not saying anything. "so, what do you say to dinner tonight, at mine?" and well, now she had to tell him. 

"uh, regan, there's actually something i need to talk to you about." 

"okay, is this a sit-down kind of thing, or would i be better lying down?" gianna suppresses the laugh bubbling up her throat. 

"regan, i like you a lot, but i just think we are maybe better off as friends..." she trails off, trying to read his facial expressions, but he was giving away nothing. "i'm sorry." 

"no, gianna, really, it's okay." there's a pause, comfortable. "to be truthful, when we went to your apartment the other night, i had a feeling there was uh, someone else." regan smiles softly, nodding at gianna. 

"i'm still sorry. i feel as though i led you on." 

"well, maybe a little-" gianna gives regan a look "-but, nothing will change our friendship, okay? besides, i have a proposition for you." 


"my friend over at the bronx zoo is leaving his position, something about a better offer internationally." gianna nods in understanding. "and he offered me an interview, but i've already applied for another position there, plus i don't think that role suits me so much-" 

"regan, get to the point." gianna laughs, leaning back on her chair. 

"so, i asked if i could give a recommendation, and agreed. how does the international relations officer at the bronx zoo sound?" a wide smile crosses gianna's cheeks. 

"oh my god, that sounds amazing!" 

"great! i'll let him know you want an interview." regan nods, a charming smile pulling at the corner of his lips. 

"oh, thank you so much regan!" gianna stands from her chair and watches regan hold out his hand for a handshake. "i think we are past hand shakes mr grant." she teases, wrapping her arms around his middle. "thank you for everything." beside them, the phone rings and gianna sees the familar coloured blinker flashing. "i better take this, see you around?" 

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