Vol. 2 Chapter 3.2 - Boredom

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After classes ended for the day, I texted Manabu that I wanted to meet him in private.


"Hello, Kiyotaka, what would you like to discuss? Also, Koenji really is a remarkable guy, once again changing the school rules," Manabu said.

"Yeah, he was generous enough to give me a custom (superior) office chair as well. It is a nice way to relieve my back. Maybe I should buy you that as well, as a gift. Anyways back to the main topic, I have bought both Hirata and Kushida's student record during lunch. It was certainly a hefty price, but a worth while purchase regardless. Take a look."

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"Hirata's statistics are incredible even for an A class student

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"Hirata's statistics are incredible even for an A class student. And the school does record that such an incident took place in Hirata's past, but it unfortunately does not specify what exactly it was nor the previous school he went to." I commented.

"Kushida also shares a great evaluation, as well as a comment regarding an incident. Why did the school have Kushida's student record?" Manabu questioned.

"I asked and apparently they keep all the student records of students that have ever joined this school as a permanent record of sorts. I am also surprised that such a transaction is even possible in the first place, despite the breach in privacy. However, the comment on the bottom is rather interesting. Perhaps Chabashira-sensei knows about their pasts."

But that very idea is also extremely troubling. I doubt that she knows exactly where I come from, but there is still that possibility that she knows enough. And there is also the possibility that even my father might have contacted her, despite how unlikely it would be. It was a good thing I verified this after seeing her attempt to blackmail Koenji.

Most likely she would have tried blackmailing me too if I had been holding back like I originally had at the start, given those two bits of information that she could have access to. Achieving a normal life at this school really is an endeavor. How depressing.

"By the way, there is something I would like to discuss with you. When you first contacted me, your intentions were so that I would be more lenient with you scamming your seniors, right?"

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