Vol. 1 Chapter 8.1 - A little scare

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Today was 2nd May, one day after. Classes had ended for the day. Hirata stood at the podium once again, using the blackboard to prepare for our big discussion. Because of Hirata's powerful charisma, everyone in our class had shown, and Koenji was here too. Once again, Horikita was staring at me intently. I'm surprised she even appeared.


Yamagod, ahem, I mean Yamauchi suddenly appeared from under my desk, his expression deathlike. 

"Woah! Wh-what? What's wrong?"

Yamauchi's expression then changed with a big bright smile.

"Hey, hey!" He then wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Buy this from me for 20,000 points. I know you can buy it, so how about you have fun with it?" he cried. 

This wasn't really befitting of a God. I really did not want to buy it. But how do I get out of this situation. Ah, good timing.

"Yamauchi, look over there. Ike-sama is trying to sweet talk Kushida-san. Don't you want to stop him?"

"O-oi Oi Oi! You bastard!!!" Yamauchi cried out, with an accompanying war cry. He was holding his game console above his head like some angry caveman. Ike then responded like he was also a caveman, with incoherent speech. They were babbling about to each other. Uh oh, this looks bad.

"Alright, alright you two, calm down. Please don't fight!" Kushida finally stepped in.

The two of them looked like they had just seen an angel and was brought back to civilization. What a happy story. If I hadn't seen this exact story a couple of times already it would have been a heart warming story.

In the speakers, an announcement was suddenly made.

"Koenji-kun, from the first-year Class D. Please come see Chabashira-sensei in the faculty office."

"Ooooh, looks like the trouble boy has gotten into trouble." Ike shouted out.

"Pah, they surely must be congratulating me instead. And rewarding me for my good deeds instead."

After Koenji left the class, I immediately went up.

"Koenji, please take my phone and record the conversation. Use your phone to record it as well."

"Will do, looks like this recorder I bought will be even more back up." Koenji muttered. It looked like he was already plenty prepared. Good luck.

I then felt someone was about to leave the classroom. This time, I plan on letting Horikita confront me. But before that, I hid behind the wall. 

I then saw the figure of Horikita.

Go figure, it is Horikita. Horikita turned the corner.

"Bamm!" I shouted out.

"Uhehghg!" Horikita screamed out. Looks like she was scared to her wits.

"I'm leaving!" she snapped out, looking all embarrassed and angry. She then turned her back to me and walked away very quickly.

"But don't you want to talk to me?" I said.

Horikita froze. I sighed to myself. You shouldn't be this predictable. I won't be able to resist teasing you like this.

"Fine. Explain." Horikita snapped out.

"Explain what?" I acted dumb.

"Explain everything."

"Well, where should I start. If I explain, will you help me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Help teach the idiot trio Ike, Yamauchi and Sudou into passing the exams."

"But those guys are unteachable. You have seen them in lessons right? It would be better off letting them expelled." She really is far behind. Although I do agree that one of them do need to get expelled.

"If there were consequences even for smaller infractions affecting our class points, imagine what an expulsion would be."

"Th-that... I guess your right. I guess I will try and teach them then. But this will cut into my study time." She sighed.

"I'll also be overlooking this as well. And you can't deny who else I choose to be a part of this group as well, alright?"

"Alright, alright. Now explain."

"But before that, can I get your contact information? It would be a good way to keep in contact regarding the group."

"Sure. Now explain." At this rate she will probably say yes to anything just to get what she wants.

"Give me 50,000 points." I jokingly said.

"No. Now explain." Guess not.

"Well... it started with the day I was born. And that's it."

Horikita looked visibly angry, like she was about to Karate chop me again. Oh crap.

"Alright, alright, so in the exam I cheated."

"Eh? But how? I didn't see you cheat?" She was looking at me during the exam. Interesting.

"I lied. I just happen to have already knew about the content before coming to this school."

Horikita looked at me in disbelief. But then chose to conclude that I was probably right.

"...Then explain the swimming performance."

"I just happen to train regularly. If you haven't seen me already, I go to the gym every other day. My father also took me to swim a lot."

These answers I was giving were rather vague, she certainly didn't look satisfied. But if she wants more answers then she will be forced to cooperate to get more out of me. She had already wanted to cooperate anyways to get to class A anyways.

Side Note: In the original light novel, Chabashira only talked to Horikita as a way to observe what Ayanokouji was doing, to get Ayanokouji to act hopefully. But now it looks like Chabashira wants Koenji to act as well.

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