~ Memory 5 ~

429 12 11

More memory chapters! Yay!
Motivation is fucking dying >:(
- Third persons pov -
"Nobody gives a damn about those things!" Red was overhearing some scientists that were arguing, he let out a quiet grumble and quietly approached them. "What are you guys arguing about?" He grumbled, clearly looking exhausted and annoyed as ever. "Those damn creatures!" Cade, one of the scientists, responded. Clearly looking furious as ever. Red awkwardly scratched his left cheek, accidentally piercing one of his claws into it. He flinched slightly and crossed his arms. "Well I sure as hell give a damn about those creatures, you guys are just jealous that those creatures trust me ALOT more than you guys." He said simply.

Cade glared. "When you are in control anyway. . ." Red glanced at Frisko, who had muttered the sentence underneath their breath, though the red creature had overheard. Of course, he didn't respond since he didn't quite understand what Frisko meant. He then looked at Cade, narrowing his eyes. "Shouldn't you be working on that Christmas rainbow friend since the holidays are coming up?" He reminded him. Cade froze for a moment before scoffing. "And maybe you should focus on not getting into things that isn't your business!" He snapped before walking off.

"And I should get back to work myself." Frisko said calmly and walked away, leaving Red a bit confused and awkward. He then sighed and made his way to the party room, though he tensed a bit when he had passed Oswald. He could still remember what had happened to him after he had ran away and entered the play place when he was seven years ago and well. . .after his accident. "You know Red." When Oswald spoke, Red paused in his tracks.

He turned to face the man in his classic usual tuxedo, just by looking at him, the red creature felt uncomfortable. He never really liked working here, everyone was so aggressive, toxic or just plain weird assholes. Red felt like he was the outcast, but the feeling wasn't really new to him. He felt this way since he was young, so it was quite normal for him to feel this feeling. "You are awfully quite close with those rainbow creatures, any reasons?" Oswald tipped  his head to one side slightly.

Red couldn't help but growl quietly, everyone else either ignored the rainbow friends or just wont give them enough of whatever, so the red creature took it upon himself to actually treat them somewhat right. "Someone needs to take care of them, and you guys just been neglecting them or not giving them enough stuff." Red growled before glancing away from the manager. "Interesting but reasonable." Oswald responded simply. "Unfortunately you will only care for them in you are in control." Red stiffened.

What did Oswald mean? Did he mean he had another personality? Red didn't understand. Actually, did he even wanted to know? He swallowed awkwardly, he couldn't help but feel something twitch underneath his clothes, though he didn't pay attention to it. Instead, he was trying to focus on Oswald's words. Trying to make sense out of them. "What do you mean?" He asked, sounding a bit aggressive. "Simple: you'll find out in the future." Oswald shrugged before walking off, leaving Red standing there with confusion and concern.

The scientist slowly turned and continued to make his way to the party room, when he had entered, he saw Blue and Green chatting and Orange chewing on a squeaky toy. Though Blue was mostly doing the talking while Green just nodded or anything to acknowledge Blue that he was listening without really talking. "Hello y'all, how are you guys?" He asked, not really gonna enter the actual stage itself. "Oh hey Mr. Red!" Blue waved to him, a bright smile on his face. "We're doing great but I think Orange is hungry." Blue answered, looking at Orange, who was looking at Red with those big puppy dog eyes.

Red didn't feel effected, but he did however pulled out a food pack and tossed it to the small orange creature. "I thought he might be." He commented, before looking at the other two. "So. . .do you two want anything?" He asked, "Nah." Blue replied, Green also shook his head. Red nodded and sighed, walking out of the party room. "Now I gotta figure out what those idiots mean by. . .control." He mumbled to himself as he made his way to the basement and to his lab, he saw that nobody was really around right now, so he went to the drawers and started searching for his file.

He knew Oswald, Vivian and Trenton were mostly the reasons that he was. . .different, not the appearance, more like the injections and everything. "Where the fuck is it?!" He hissed to himself, realizing he couldn't find any of his files. He let out a quiet growl. "Looking for this?" He turned as soon as he heard Trenton's voice, his eyes widened. Trenton was holding a slightly torn up burnt file, well, there was burnt spots here and there but that was it. "T - That's my. . ." "File? Yeah, here." Trenton tossed the file to the scientist and turned, though before he left, he glanced at Red with a concerned look. "Don't tell anyone I did this, especially Oswald, Okay?" He mumbled and left the lab, leaving Red surprised.

Red looked at the file, opening it. He froze when he saw something through the writings, it said a lot of things. Though there was some information that caugh this attention, like how Oswald was gonna use him as a weapon, and some of the injections. Like Z-12. He felt tears forming in his eyes, his body shaking and quickly closed the file, putting it in the drawer. He then ran out of the lab, passing Alexa with swift speed. He then ran into the basement, his heart pounding. Tears rolling down his face. He sat down, panting heavily. Tears still streaming down his face, he was shaking pretty badly.

"Hello?" Red jolted in surprise, hearing a unfamiliar voice. He looked around at the basement but saw nobody, which made him confused. He then noticed water coming out of the vents. "What the. . .?" He looked down and saw glowing eyes in a vent, he blinked in surprise but also confusion. "Hello?" He mumbled awkwardly, awkward waving. "You're Red. . .right?" The mysterious vent creature asked, which surprised Red. "Yeah." He then blinked in surprise, tipping his head to one side. "How do you know my name?" He asked.

"Oh, I just kinda overhear a lot of things and know a lot of things." The vent creature said, the red creature blinked with curiosity. Feeling slightly relieved though a little creeped out. "What's your name?" He asked. "Oh! My names Purple!" The vent creature that was supposedly named Purple, responded. "Purple?" Red blinked, he had swore that he remembered seeing some sort of file that had said 'Subject 1' and Oswald had told him these words that he remembered them clearly now: "We actually had someone else that was gonna fulfill your. . .purpose but due to certain circumstances, we'll have to use you now."

The scientist stiffened. He felt something twitch underneath his clothes but once more, he ignored it. "Are you. . .subject 1?" He asked hesitantly, not really sure if it was a touchy subject or not. Purple was quiet for a few moments before sighing. "Yes. I am." They responded slowly, meeting Red's gaze. "I see. . ." He mumbled slowly, before gently placing a claw on one of the metal bars on the vents. "Would you. . .want to get out of the vents?" He asked slowly.

Purple lashed out a claw, causing Red to flinch away. "No! The vents are my home now, no matter how much I hate being forgotten!" They snarled, before freezing and retreated their claws to the vent. Looking guilty. "Sorry. . .I just- don't want to leave the vents. After being in the vents for so long, I don't think I'm ready to leave after. . .after what I did." Purple mumbled. Red blinked, still recovering from the sudden outburst. "It's fine, I. . .I guess I can kinda understand what you're going through." He admitted, praying the Z-12 him won't take over. "You do?" Purple looked curious.

Red scratched the back of his neck. "Kinda. I uh. . .I sorta recently snuck around the lab and found out some of the injections that Oswald and Vivian gave me, and one of them was Z-12." He mumbled, lowering his head. "I suppose that explains the change of personalities." Purple told him, "But don't worry, I already knew." They assured him, reaching out with a claw and placed it on his paw. "Nobody is perfect Red." They murmured, and removed their claws away from his paw.

"You know Purple. . .I may not know how long you been in those vents but. . ." Red then placed his paw into the vents, feeling Purple's soft fluffy cheek. "It doesn't hurt to feel touch time to time, right?" He smiled softly. Purple blushed slightly and smiled back. "I suppose so." They agreed softly.

And the two became secretly friends. . .

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