~ Confronting Red ~

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I think you can tell by the title of this chapter there's gonna be drama👀✨☕️
And my good friends, there will be drama! Yay! :D
- Third persons pov -
"Hey Red! Guess what?!" Blue barged into Red's office, who jumped in surprise, spitting out his coffee. "Oh for fucks sake! What do you want?!" The scientist growled, turning to face them. "There's someone named Purple and uh. . .they are in the vents and I guess they kinda just live there?" Blue said awkwardly. "Wait, Wait, Wait, you're saying a rainbow creature has been living in the vents the whole time?" Red growled, his eyes widened slightly. As if he was trying to process what he had just heard.

Blue nodded. "Y - Yeah, they've been there since. . .um. . .s - since two weeks before. . .before the death M." Green mumbled, Red stiffened. "So they've been here for hundred years? Fuck." He muttered crossly, and all four of them left the office, heading towards the vent where Purple was. "Hello Purple." Purple opened a glowing white, spotting the scientist. "Well hello there." They greeted with a giggle. Blue saw that Red shuddered slightly. "So you're the reason the vents leak all the time, hm?" He hummed, crouching next to the vent, avoiding the water.

Purple snickered. "Ye! I tend to get little crazier than usual and I usually end up splashing water on here, ooorrrr I could be some kind of sea monster type of rainbow creature. We'll never know!" They laughed. Blue blinked in confused, tilting his head to one side. "What's a sea monster?" He asked. "I'm not really sure how to explain that." Red grumbled before looking at Purple. "Now, uh, you better not do anything stupid." He growled at them, but it just shrugged. "Can't promise anything!~" Xe responded in a singing voice, giggling. "Also 'thanks' for the footprint path." They growled sarcastically, glaring at the footprint path.

Red sighed to himself. "I did it to make my own path." He grunted, "Well I can't get my kills most of the time!" They snarled, scaring the shit out of all of them, especially Red. "Calm down! Holy fuck!" Red snapped, standing up and sighed afterwards. "I'll see what I can do, just be fucking patient." He hissed. Blue and Orange exchanged awkward glances, while Green straightens himself. 'Someday they'll find out the truth about you Red. . .' He thought, frowning. He really did want to tell the others about the truth behind the death M and how they became well. . .killing monsters.

Okay, maybe not Purple? Maybe? He wasn't completely sure about the vent creature that lived in the vents, since they all had just met them after all. Green shifted uncomfortably, before feeling a paw on his shoulder. "It's okay Green, I'm sure Purple will warm up to us." It was Blue. He felt his heart starting to pound against his chest, but he quickly shook himself. 'That's not exactly what I am worried about Blue. . .but thanks for the reassurance.' He thought, and nodded his thanks.

He'll admit, as much as he lik—no—loved Blue, the blue creature is very dumb. Perhaps a little too dumb for his own good. "Alright, alright, go back to whatever you guys were doing." Red growled. Green narrowed his eyes, he felt a surge of anger running through his body. Though he restrained himself from doing anything still. 'Maybe I could expose him next week? That could give me enough time to figure everything out. Such as my love for Blue.' He blushed in embarrassment at the end of his sentence. 'And might give all of us enough time to get to know more about Purple.' He shitted uncomfortably. He knew Purple was definitely insane.

He just hopes that everything will work out. . .
- Sunday Oct. 12th -
Green was heading towards the theater, hoping someone would be there. "This place is huge!" He heard a giggle. Was that. . . .Purple? Was Purple out of the vents now? He nervously entered the theater, feeling for his surroundings. "P - Purple? Is that you?" Purple turned around and smirked. "Well hello there Green! You're a lot different and surprisingly taller than me up close!" They laughed. "I - I have a question." He shifted uncomfortably, all of the rainbow friends had gotten to know Purple somewhat well right now.

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