~ Memory 3 ~

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Yep, you get a memory chapter after a cliffhanger chapter. Yep, you gotta deal with it until you get the next present-time chapter.<3

I'm so evil
- Third persons pov -
Orange was scratching the back of his neck, catching a glimpse of red and white entering the theater. Out of curiosity, he followed after. Though he was nervous and hesitant when he started following his boss. He saw Red holding something black in his paw. "Rawr?" Orange flicked his tail as he slowly crawled over to the scientist, who looked at him. "Ah, Orange." Red cleared his throat. "I got you a little something, I'll explain more after I put it on." He said simply.

The Orange was slightly bigger than Red, he sat down like a cat. Though Red easily placed the collar on wit(no problems. Orange nervously lifted a claw and gently as he could, started to poke the collar. "This is called a shock collar." Red began, Orange quickly looked at him. "Every time you disobey me, get out of control, try to harm me or the others, or all above, I will shock you with this shocker device I have." He explained, pulling out a black device with a green light on the top.

Though Orange was unsure where the button was. "And here's how it works." As soon as Red pressed a button, the Orange creature felt a electrical shocking pain sheer through his body, mostly on his neck. He started roaring in pain, but the next thing he knew, the pain disappeared like it had never existed. He whimpered pain, glancing up at Red since he was crouching in pain. "Seems like you can only handle ten percent for now." Red commented, before looking at Orange, placing the device away in his lab coat pocket. "Anyway, that's how it works." He said before walking off but suddenly paused. "Also due to your misbehavior yesterday and since I already shocked you, no more food for the week. Understand?" Red growled.

Orange let out a whine of pain, but he nodded anyway. He heard his stomach growl loudly but he knew he couldn't disobey his boss willingly this time, he lifted a claw, gently touching the shock collar. He whined again, slowly crawling back to his cave. He bumped into Blue's leg, he yelped in surprise. "Oh hey Orange!" Orange still felt the lingering in pain in his throat and it made him unsure if he could even speak, he sat up. "Rawr. ." He said in response. He was kinda surprised he could still talk.

The orange creature then leaned his head against Blue's leg, earning a gentle pat on the head, which at first caused him to tense but soon melt into the gentle touch. "So Orange, wanna go see Green?" Orange saw a light shade red on the bigger male's face and a love-sick look on his face. The orange creature blinked before shaking his head, he then headed towards his cave. "Oh okay." Blue blinked.

Orange growled loudly, as he finally entered his cave. He sat down in front of the door, looking at the rocky floor of his cave. He wrapped his tail around himself, his stomach still growling but he ignored it. He then got up and crawled over to the food bowl, laying down next to it. He lifted his tail to gently hit the bells, resting his head on his forepaws. Listening to the gentle ringing of his bells. It was strangely comforting for him.

He pushed the food bowl away as his stomach growled again, refusing to disobey Red. Though a part of him really wanted to disobey the scientist and just start chowing down on the food, but Orange gently touched the collar, reminding himself that he couldn't. He took a deep breath, tucking his paws underneath his chest. Unknowingly doing the bread loaf.

The orange creature lifted his head up to hear footsteps and they were squeaky too, so he knew it was Green. "O - Orange? Are you here?" Green asked from his spot. "Rawr!" Orange replied. "U - Um can I ask you something?" Orange blinked. "Rawr." He answered in response. "H - How do you. . .um. . .tell your feelings?" Orange blinked a few times before remembering that Green and Blue were developing feeling nos for each other, he just never showed it or said anything. "Rawr." He shrugged. Green sighed and left the cave, Orange watched him go.

Orange shook out his fur, getting up on his paws. He then stretched, sitting down like a cat afterwards. His tail twitching slightly. He felt bored and wanted to chat with someone to distract himself from his hunger, so he decided to leave the cave and head to a vent. He spotted Purple's twitchy claws outside of the vents, barely touching the water puddle. "Rawr!" He purred in greetings.

Purple smiled. "Ello Orange!" They greeted back, chuckling a bit afterwards. "How are you?" They asked, as Orange sat down. He pointed at his new collar, Purple stared for a few moments. "A shock collar? Wowza I haven't seen one in a while! Not since I threw one off a edge!" They laughed. They then calmed down as they could, looking at Orange. "Those things do hurt, I'll admit." They began, as the orange creature opened his jaws. "BUT! Do not worry or fret, I'm sure Red will take it off eventually." They smirked, placing a paw on Orange's paw.

Trying to reassure him. Orange smiled slightly, his tail wagging a bit. "Anyway, besides having a shock collar, anything interesting happen?" They asked. Orange glanced away, suddenly unsure if he should tell that Red had ordered him not to eat for a week. "I know that look. What happened?" They hummed, tilting their head to one side. Well Orange couldn't exactly tell. "Was it Red?" He nodded. "Okay, then-" he then started explaining, cutting Purple off, which he had always been afraid to do. ". . .Okay, so you're telling me you bit Red's wrist twice yesterday and then you messed up his office?" They huffed.

Orange nodded. "Yeeahhh. . .that'll do it. Okay perhaps maybe not messing up his office but biting his wrist twice? Yeah definitely." Orange growled in annoyance as Purple spoke. "Hey, you should be lucky he didn't kill you instead." They pointed out, the orange creature knew that was true but he didn't like this punishment. He lashed his tail angrily. "And besides, no offense, I can kinda understand where he's coming from. You need self control and shit like that." The next sentence pissed him off.

He then stood up. "Orange?" Purple blinked as Orange turned away and walked off. "Hey wait!" Purple huffed, "Did I say something wrong?" Orange paused, he glanced at Purple. He glared at the vent creature and looked away, continuing to walk off. Purple watched. The vent creature felt something odd in their stomach, was it guilt? Confusion? They were definitely confused. "What did I do?" They huffed to themselves before thinking back to their most recent sentences.

They felt a huge amount of guilt just smash them like a brick after realizing what they had said. "FUCK!" They snapped to themselves. "This is absolutely pathetic Jaxon, I'm not just gonna go inside of someone's office and killing them!" Purple saw a small group of humans, and watched. "If you don't want to do it then I will. We need to kill whoever started this mess!" The shortest human with blonde hair said, pulling out a dagger. "Wouldn't that make you just as bad as them?" A brunette pointed out. "Shush up Ben!" The blonde hair boy growled.

Purple licked their muzzle, and as soon as the blonde hair stepped on the water, they stretched out their arms, grabbing his lower legs and dragged him into the vents, swiftly. "Josh!" They heard the same voice, supposedly Ben, called out for his friend as Purple started ripping the blonde b—or Josh, apart. They then crawled to the next vent area blood soaking their muzzle and claws. "That THING just kidnapped my cousin! And you expect me to calm down?!" They heard Ben yelling at the other humans, this made them laugh.

They soon entered the basement vent, noticing Orange was sitting next to Green, rubbing the blind creatures back. Comforting him. "Is he. . .having another breakdown?" Purple asked, whispering to Orange, but the orange creature just ignored them. They sighed. "I'm sorry. . .I - I think?" They mumbled, but nothing. No response, no reaction. Orange just continued to comfort his blind creature friend. Ignoring Purple.

Purple felt even more incredibly guilty. . .
Yay memories! Don't we just love those?
Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter!

This is just a random memory, ack-
Okay bye lol help-

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