~ Talks & Confessions ~

580 13 40

Welp, let's see what happens in this one.
Also credits to Star_Hollow_Afton for the idea!~
- Third persons pov -
It was three weeks and right now it was 2 o'clock, and Red was in a lot of pain. Unfortunately for Green, he had been chosen to watch over Red for the week. ". . ." Currently, Green was sitting on a chair that was next to Red's bed. If you can even call it a bed. The blind creature flinched a bit when he heard a quiet whine of pain, he glanced at the scientist who was slowly waking up. This surprised him. "Red? You uh-. . .okay?" Green asked hesitantly, frowning as he reached for pain pills and carefully placed three or two pills into Red's mouth.

Gently helping him swallow them. "I - I'm fine. . ." Red shivered at the taste of the pain medication that Green made him swallow, "Wh - Why does it taste like shit?" He grunted. Red carefully sat up but he let out a cry of pain, instantly falling back down, onto his side. "Yeah. . .you better stay down. You'll be feeling pain for a while in your back." Green mumbled, he couldn't help but feel a little sympathy towards the scientist. He gently started to pet Red's head. "Also maybe lie better next time when you do a horrible injury like this to yourself next time, okay?" Green huffed.

Red looked up with wide eyes. "Y - You know?" He asked, his voice shaking. The tall creature sighed, shaking his head slowly. "We all do. Blue found you, so he was the first to found out." Green answered, meeting his gaze. Red let out a soft whine, burying his face into his pillow. "Maybe you should've thought about that before you decided to rip your own wings off." Green growled.

"Thanks for the reminder." Red mumbled, not looking at him. "At least I'm honest about it, wasn't I?" Green rose a brow, and he only got Red to glance at him. ". . .sure." Was his only response. The blind creature then took a deep breath, thinking back to the times that Red had experimented on them and tormented them. ". . .You know what Red, I have a question for you." This caught Red's full attention. ". . .E - Eh?" He replied a bit awkwardly.

Green sighed again, glancing at him. "Why did you experiment on us?" He asked. Red went silent, and after that, there was a long silence that followed. The blind creature shivered slightly during the silence, he looked at Red expectedly, hoping the scientist had a good explanation for what he had done. Though the more silence went on, the more it made Green uncomfortable and worried. ". . .I don't know to be honest. . ." The answer shocked him. The blind creature could tell that the scientist wasn't lying, which shocked him even more. "You. . .don't know?" He asked carefully.

Red nodded. "I don't remember why I did it. . .I just remember as soon as I hit sixteen, I suddenly felt the urge to cause. . .trouble and experiment." He explained slowly, as if he was trying to remember the reason. "I wish I knew, I'm sorry Green." He whispered softly, nuzzling his face into the pillow. Green opened his mouth before closing it, looking away. He sighed quietly to himself, glancing at Red. 'Fuck, I can't get mad at him if he doesn't know. . .fuck I don't even know what to feel towards him.' Green thought to himself.

The tall creature glanced around at the office. "Why did you rip off your wings then?" He asked without looking at him. ". . .I deserve it." The sentence made Green froze and look at him with wide eyes, he swallowed nervously. Suddenly debating on what to say next. He just awkwardly placed his claws on Red's shoulder, and started rubbing it gently. ". . .I'm guessing you don't wanna talk about it. . .?" Green asked hesitantly, and the only response he received was a quiet whimper from the scientist. 'Has He always been this soft and sensitive before? He acts like it but I don't remember him ever being like this.' The blind creature observed.

Green suddenly felt the scientist leaning into the touch, starting to purr softly. "Y- You like this?" Green asked softly, blinking in dismay and surprise, not really gonna bother of hiding how surprise he was. Red froze, before covering his face. "S - Shut up. . ." Red mumbled. The blind creature frowned, realizing something. Was Red touched starved? He blinked. "Are you. . .touched starved?" Green asked, tilting his head to one side. "I've. . .been touched starved since. . .since I was young." Red confessed slowly and awkwardly, closing his eyes. As if he was ashamed of it.

The blind creature actually smiled awkwardly, sighing. "You know Red. . .I am also touched starved too, so I know how you feel about that part." He told him. "Yeah but you have Blue now, and I have nobody, not like I need anyone though." Red grumbled, as Green shrugged. "You're quite odd. . .I suppose." The blind creature commented, but he felt Red painfully shrug him off. "I get that a lot." Red huffed quietly without looking at him.

Green suppressed a giggle. Still rubbing his shoulder gently. Red was silently enjoying the touch but he didn't understand one thing. "Why. . .why are you even here? Shouldn't you be with Blue?" He asked quietly as Green blinked. "Well. . .we been taking turns to keep an eye on you every week, and this week, it's my turn." The green creature explained with a shrug. "So. . .you're just here to keep an eye on me?" Red blinked in confusion. "Yep, and to also make sure you don't do something stupid." Green added.

The red creature just looked at him like he was crazy but didn't respond with words, just a quiet growl. Green wasn't exactly nervous though, after knowing what he can do. "I can easily take care of you." Green shrugged, and stopped petting him. "Like what? Killing me?" Red asked, looking a bit frightened. The blind creature blinked and lifted up his claws, gently placing the, and ruffled his fur. "I would in the past but. . .now, not so much. I just don't like you though." Green mumbled.

Red blinked, unsure of how to respond. "Well. . .I guess that's fine. Nobody really likes me and I kinda understand why." He sighed, covering his head with the pillow. "Kinda?" "Okay- Maybe not kinda." Red quickly corrected himself, letting out a frustrated groan. "Well, I better leave you to rest, if you even have the will to rest anyway." Green said, straightening himself and stood up. "I'll tell the others that you're awake tomorrow, and yes, I'll be back with more pain pills as well." He told him.

The scientist glanced at him. "I'm surprise you're wasting your time with someone like me. . ." He admitted. "Eh, I'm just as surprised as you are." Green confessed. "Welp, goodnight Red." He said before leaving the office, closing the door behind him. Once the tall blind creature left the office, he let out a sigh. He was genuinely surprised that he had restrained himself from doing stupid shit to the scientist, and he also has restrained himself from trying to attack. Though, he felt no urge to attack Red. The urge to attack Red was long gone now.

Green sighed and slowly made his way to the basement, where his bedroom was located. Until he paused, he had slept with Blue for so long now, well more like weeks but still- did he really want to go back to his cold blood stained room? He sighed, and shook himself. He needed to start sleeping his own room again, so he pushed on and soon entered his bedroom. He paid no attention to the blood stains and the claw marks that coated his room walls and floor, he just plopped himself on the carpet that was on the floor, which was technically his bed.

The blind creature laid down on it, curling up as tight as he could. Taking off his glasses and placed them in their usual spot, which was a small little simple table. He then laid his head down, and closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep. Exhausted as fuck. Why did he agreed to watch over Red anyway? Oh wait. . .he did it for Blue.

The things he does for Blue. . .
I tweaked the idea a bit(or maybe a lot idk) and yeah. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, it isn't much, I'm sorry. But I started writing this at night and finished it at midnight. So I'm tired, and enjoy. Thanks-

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