~ Discovering love & Purple ~

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Idk, I guess. Lol-
When I started writing this, I'm still sick.
- Third persons pov -
"H - Hey Blue?" Green shifted a bit in the hug, "Ye?" Blue replied. "C - Could you let me go?" He asked shyly, feeling his heart pounding. The thought of going to Red scared him but. . .how else would he get his answer for this. . .feeling? He knew he can't do anything except to have guts and ask the scientist, as much he didn't want to but it was probably the only choice he had right now. "Okie." Blue then let's go of the blind creature and Green immediately stood up, and started 'looking' for the scientist. "Where are you going Green?" The blue creature asked from behind.

Green paused. "J - Just. . .gonna find Red." He replied honestly before continuing off with his search, after a few moments of listening and feeling wherever he was, he soon heard Red's grumbling. The blind creature hesitated, standing outside of Red's office, what was he doing? He couldn't do this! He stepped back, forgetting he had squeaky paws. "Green? What are you doing here?" Red spoke, causing the taller male to freeze up. "U - Um. . ." Green started sweating. How exactly was he gonna ask this? "Well?" He could hear the impatient tone in Red's voice.

"U - Um. . .w - well. . ." Green shifted uncomfortably, before taking a deep breath. "W - Why doesn't the three words 'I love you' so - sound the same anymore?" He asked nervously. "E - Everytime I say it. . .I - I can feel my heart pound and-" "You're in love." Red cut him off, though he could've swore that the scientist sounded surprised by this. "I - I'm what?" The blind creature perked his head, unsure if this was a trick or something. "It means you love him more than just a best friend." Red began, "You'll get weird feelings like uh. . .heart pounding and your face will feel hot." He sounded awkward in mid sentence.

Which made Green wonder, did Red even know that feeling? He shook himself, he shouldn't be breaking into Red's privacy, no matter how much he hated the scientist. ". . .S - So You're telling me that. . .I am falling in love with Blue?" He asked shyly, blushing a bit at the thought of him and Blue being together. He knew what couples were and stuff, he learned it when he was young but actually feeling it for himself? Now that's a new feeling for him. "Ye- Yeah. I suppose so." Red sounded oddly distant now, but the blind creature decided not to question it. "At least you know how couples work and stuff, right?" Red said. Green nodded. "M - Mhm. . ." He mumbled in response.

"Good. Now scram." Red grumbled and retreated back to his office, Green sighed quietly. He then headed towards the castle room, not even sure of what to do anymore. He got his answer, but what was he supposed to do with it? Should he even do anything about it? He knew Blue wouldn't like him, like that would he? He was sure as hell that Blue only viewed him as a best friend, and somehow the thought, made Green's heart sink a bit.

But he was fine with that. He was fine in general. Nothing is wrong. If Blue only viewed him as a best friend then so be it, he would just have to accept the fact that the main star only saw him as one. Green couldn't change his mind nor gonna force him to love him. 'I'm fine with that, no matter how much it will hurt.' He thought, using a long arm to feel the floor below him. 'And besides, I kinda deserve it anyway. I mean, I cant do anything right. I'm just a blind freakshow, aren't I? Oh who am I kidding?! I AM a blind freakshow!' The blind creature whimpered quietly.

Realizing his mind was going too deep in the darker side, but what was he supposed to do? He suddenly stepped on something liquid, it felt like water. "Wha?" He sounded confused, looking downwards, but perhaps not exactly the direction of the water he had stepped in. "Helloooo!~" He heard a menacing but insane giggle from below, but it sounded unfamiliar so that scared him even more. "U - Um. . . .w - who are you? A - And where are you?" He demanded, but more like whimper.

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