Recovering and the fallout

Start from the beginning

Plo: Was this the same person who contacted us originally?

Aliiza: (speaking up) No, it was Jabba the Hutt, he and his goons were operating there, turns out there was a slave operation going on behind his back with the homeless. Said he wanted us to remove the group and give the place back to him.

Anakin: And you just gave it to him?

Ahsoka: No master, Y/N set terms for Jabba, he wanted his commander back and Y/N set terms for us all, Aliiza got her bounty removed, The people would be taken care of and given medical treatment, and Y/N would make a small profit.

Aliiza: Whoa, you don't tell them everything now...

Ahsoka glared at Aliiza...

Obi-wan: I see... if Jabba is in control of the port, then he is likely using it for smuggling spice.

Anakin: Damn Hutt using innocent people to hide what he's really doing...

Plo-Koon: (looking at Aliiza) How bad was Y/N's injuries?

Aliiza: He got Impaled, he's lucky it didn't go through his entire body...

Ahsoka: That's not all masters, the person responsible for the injuries is they guy called Eliot...

Obi-wan: (Surprised) The man from the depot we secured when Aliiza was kidnapped?

Aliiza: That's him, turns out he was planning to use a toxic gas on the surface, he never got to since we arrived, he then used it on us and Y/N in a sick game of his.

Plo-Koon: Where any of you exposed to the gas?

Aliiza: Maybe a little...

Obi-wan: Then both of you go to the med bay, Even a little could do damage to your bodies, we'll send a team to investigate this gas, and send relief to those who need it.

Ahsoka: Thank you.

Anakin: I'll go with you, hopefully Y/N is talkative today.

With a bow of respect, the group leave the Jedi masters, the trip was short and quiet, Anakin could sense Ahsoka and Aliiza were angry at one another, but for what he didn't know, he tried to ask about it.

Anakin: Sooo... how did Y/N get messed up the way he did?

Aliiza: Eliot had a mech or something he was in, he caught us all off guard, Y/N saved us from being gassed most of the time.

Ahsoka: We had to leave him with Eliot for a moment, that was a mistake.

Anakin: Oh, How couldn't Y/N fight back then?

Aliiza: He was gassed a lot more than any of us two, enough to kill anyone that isn't a Jedi or sith in his case.

Anakin: But surely he could have found away to defeat Eliot.

Aliiza: It took HK and Y/N together to kill Eliot, if HK hadn't left the ship...

Aliiza thought of the very impact it would have had on her, She secretly thanks HK for acting when he did, Ahsoka was also grateful, but wished it was her that was there, Ahsoka shook her head.

Ahsoka: Let's just see him...

Ahsoka and the group carried on in silence till they reached the medical room, When the door opened for them they heard groaning and muffled sounds as they see Y/N on the bed with his cloak and shirt off and a oxygen mask on his face as Rig Nema tried to stop him from squirming.

Rig: Damn it child, stay still!

Anakin: Master Nema? Is it alright if we come in?

Rig: (looking over to them) Oh, of course, Master Skywalker, I see you also brought guests...

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