xv. the seraphites.

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   HER BODY FELT INCREDIBLY heavy when she woke up a few hours after having laid down

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   HER BODY FELT INCREDIBLY heavy when she woke up a few hours after having laid down. The once beautiful dressing room that she had been relaxing in, that had been lit up by the prettiest of lights and decorated with the most beautiful shades of red and white now was enveloped by the smell of dampness in the air accompanied by the growing mildew that spread across the walls.

   The entire theatre was quiet which Danielle hoped and prayed was a good thing and was in fact not the result of everyone having been slain while she slept. She softly tiptoed across the wooden stage, gripping tightly to her knife in one hand and her fingers crossed on the other. The carpeted floor helped to suffocate any noises her feet made as she ventured closer to the front of the building.

   The door let out a creak, the brunette internally cursing before carrying on, hoping no one had heard it. A sigh of relief escaped past her lips as her eyes fell upon the figures of a sleeping Jesse and an exhausted but alive Dina. Her hunched over body straightened up as she slipped her knife back into her back pocket.

   "How is he?" The medic nodded her head in Jesse's direction as she stepped closer to Dina, watching on as his chest rose and fell with each breathe he took as he slept.

   Dina shifted in the chair to look up at Danielle. After a moment, the dark haired girl shrugged her shoulders. "He's alright. A little bruised but he'll live."

   "I'm glad." Danielle smiled before turning her gaze to Dina, her eyes scanning the dark haired girl for any sign of injury or illness. "Are you alright? How's your nausea?"

   Dina's hand subconsciously moved to rest upon her stomach. Her thumb moved slightly, stroking back and forth. "Comes and go. Thankfully, it seems to have stopped for the time being."

   "That's good. If it does come back..." Danielle shoved her hand into the pocket of her jeans, her fingers gripping tightly to the small packet and pulling it out. In the palm of her hand lay a unopened packet of salt covered crackers. "You should eat these. They're supposedly good for nausea."

A flabbergasted laugh escaped from Dina who happily accepted the crackers. "Where the hell did you find these?"

   The Linden girl glanced around at her surroundings, gesturing with her dominant left hand towards the open space behind them. "I was looking around earlier and this place apparently sold food. It'll probably be really soft but hopefully they'll settle your stomach."

   "Thanks Dani." Dina was continuously grateful for Danielle's presence. Had it not been for the brunette medical expertise and ability to keep a secret, Dina was sure she would have broken down long before they reached Seattle.

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