xiv. fast and furious.

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   STOOD BEFORE THEM WAS Jesse Liu, who neither Ellie nor Danielle had seen since before they left Jackson and begun travelling across the states

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STOOD BEFORE THEM WAS Jesse Liu, who neither Ellie nor Danielle had seen since before they left Jackson and begun travelling across the states. Yet, there he stood, hands waving in the air as he explained exactly how he came to be in Seattle.

To say they were surprised was an understatement. The brunette internally breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of the raven-haired man. While risking his life to follow them had been a dumb move on his part, she felt grateful that he was with them now. They would need all of the firepower that could gather if they were to succeed in their attack on the WLF.

"Where's Dina?" Jesse asked of the pair the moment realised that the dark haired girl was not with them.

The Williams girl's voice stalled as she attempted to wrack her brain for a believable excuse for Dina's absence. "She's safe. She's just sick."

"What kind of sick?"

At his question, Ellie simply sighed in response. "She's fine."

"Yeah, it's just the shift in weather that has her feeling so ill." Danielle jumped into the conversation, providing excuses as to why Dina wasn't with them. If she didn't tell Ellie the truth about Dina's situation, she sure as hell wasn't about to tell Jesse. "I guess her body isn't equipped to handle the dramatic change."

The nearby soldiers that had been pursuing the two girls began calling out to their friends stationed in the street at the front of the building. "Fan out! They went that way."

"Christ, there's a lot of them." With their weapons raised, the three skulked through the run down house while their senses became sharpened. The idea of running into a rogue soldier wasn't exactly ideal.

As the trio ambled along, it became apparent that Jesse was more injured than either Ellie or Danielle had initially thought as his left foot let out a continuous resounding thud against the ground, his body struggling to carry distribute his weight correctly due to his injury. Ellie examined her friend with the slightest smidge of worry. "Hey, how hurt are you?"

"I'll be okay." Jesse brushed off the auburn-haired girls concern with a wave of the hand before his eyes fell upon Danielle who stood off to the side looking completely on edge. "Your friends out there rushed me. No warning, no nothing."

"I wouldn't exactly call them her 'friends'." The auburn-haired Williams girl quickly and quietly said, her voice growing fainter halfway through as if she realised she had just defended Danielle. Their relationship hadn't reached the point of randomly defending each other, had it?

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