Chapter Seven

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Deon's gaze was on Brie. She was chatting and laughing with a couple of aunties. He hadn't seen her since he'd gone to see his mom. So much had happened since that night. Deon figured the distance would clear his mind of her spell on him. He clenched his jaw and admitted to himself how stupid that was. The minute his eyes drank Brie in, his feelings rushed back at the same fierce intensity. I sound like I'm in love. He moved away from Brie, walking with no purpose in particular, and thought about where his mind had gone.

He hadn't really thought about love. He knew he wanted to date Brie but since she had said no, he honestly hadn't thought past that hurdle. Deon had been in love before, so he usually knew the signs. But things with Brie were different from his past experiences. He'd never had quality time with someone flow so effortlessly. Brie made him feel comfortable enough to be himself. He hadn't realized how much he'd needed that until their talks about his mom. Deon hadn't had the courage to share with his friends about the fear of his biological mom having no reason at all for giving him up. Yet, with Brie, his concerns had run from his mouth like water and she had done nothing but show him kindness and support. That part of her had never changed from the cute girl he'd met all those years ago.

What about Malcolm?

Deon scrunched his eyes at the random thought. This wasn't the time to be thinking about that, not at his godson's birthday party. Plus, he'd just figured out he was in love with Brie. Deon's face erupted into a smile. I'm in love with Brie. His smile, however, sagged as he wondered how he was going to convince Brie to let him.

"Man, what you grinning at?" Marcus came up behind him and slapped Deon on his back.


"Stop picturing Uncle Troy naked and help me find my son so we can open these presents."

"Seriously, man?" Deon gave Marcus the evil eye and walked off.

Springing into godfather mode, it didn't take him long to find Isaiah with Sando and his crew. He scooped him up.

"Uncle, do you have to keep picking me up?"

"Yup because you're never doing what you supposed to be doing." As Deon promptly presented him to his mom, Nikki, he caught the nervous look on Isaiah's face.

"Zay," exclaimed Nikki. "I told you to find your father 45 minutes ago. Where were you? And how did you manage to stain this shirt already?"

Isaiah grinned his regular mischievous grin. His shirt sported a fresh red stain to match the dried yellow one. Deon walked away to the sounds of Nikki asking the Lord above why her son can't stay clean for more than five minutes.

Deon wasn't trying to look for Brie, but his body propelled him like a magnet to seek her out. He spotted her, sitting alone, and made his move. The walk to her felt like it was happening in slow motion. Stay calm. He reminded himself that, even though he was head over heels for this woman, he had to act cool. Andre 3000 cool. He cleared his throat a couple paces from her.


A crop of goosebumps budded on Brie's arms. She marvelled at how a whole backyard party was happening, with music blaring and people talking; yet, she could hear and react to Deon saying her name. I need something stronger, she thought, because these drinks aren't doing shit. Still outchea acting real emotional like Carl Thomas.

"Hey, stranger. Long time no see. You're looking good."

She eyed him as he sat down. Even the alcohol couldn't numb how good Deon looked. He had on a purple button-down shirt with a grey vest and green-and-white bowtie. His sleeves were rolled up and his arms made Brie want to bite her bottom lip. His jeans looked soft and worn, and she could tell the loafers on his feet were good quality. His dreads, tight and oiled, were hanging in one section down his back. She missed how they felt between her fingers.

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