How NOT To Rescue Someone

Start from the beginning

Kate: I'm gonna be late, thanks to you.

Clint: You're gonna be alive thanks to us.

They kept walking as Clint is now on Kate's outside.

Kate: Oh. Being a gentleman, walking on the outside. That's nice.

Clint: No, this is just so I can hear you. And to be clear, not because I want to, just because I need to.

He gestured to the hearing aid on his left ear.

Kate: Oh. What happened?

Bobbi: Too much.

Clint: Uh, too hard to tell.

Just then, a kid pointed at them and called out his mother, saying that they're superheroes. He then ran PAST the three and towards some cosplayers.

What caught Kate and Bobbi's eyes are the the woman dressed as an archer and a man in a homemade blue and gold suit that looked similar to Iron Man's suit, which Bobbi immediately recognized as Jimmy de Luca's Cobalt suit.

What caught Kate and Bobbi's eyes are the the woman dressed as an archer and a man in a homemade blue and gold suit that looked similar to Iron Man's suit, which Bobbi immediately recognized as Jimmy de Luca's Cobalt suit

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Kate: Why is that guy in blue and gold? Isn't Iron Man red and gold?

Bobbi: No, that's Cobalt. He's a new hero that showed up in LA a couple months back. Good to know that he's making a name for himself on this side of the country.

Kate nods in response before gesturing to the archer.

Kate: Hey, Clint. That one's you.

Clint: No, that's Katniss Everdeen. Let's go.

The trio began walking again.

Kate: (to Clint) Your problem is branding.

Clint: No, my problem is you, and this ninja suit, and the people trying to kill you because of this ninja suit. The whole thing's a problem I'm going to solve today, so I can go home to my family, and Bobbi can go back to her fiancé.

Kate: No, it's branding.

Bobbi chuckled in response as the trio kept walking.

As they walked, Kate kept pestering Clint about his "branding" issue.

Kate: (to Clint) Your whole thing is that you're low-key. It's a very hard brand to sell.

Clint: Well, I'm not really trying to sell anything.

Kate: Right, it should technically make you cooler, but I think with all the scary stuff that's happened since The Avengers appeared, people don't want that cynical cool thing anymore. They want sincerity.

Clint: Is that right?

Kate: Not self-seriousness, but heart-on-your-sleeve sincerity, like the kind The Flash, Ghost Spider, and Sun Spider have.

𝙍𝙪𝙣 𝙇𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙄𝙄 (𝙈𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙗𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙓 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙊𝘾)Where stories live. Discover now