Stopping A Witch

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Mount Wundagore

Aaron saw Wanda and immediately stood in between her and America, but Wanda grabbed him and pulled her towards him. He tried phasing out of her hold, but he couldn't as Wanda stared at him in anger.

Aaron: If you're gonna kill me, just do it.

Wanda: You're in no position to make demands.

He sent him to a wall and created chains around him.

Wanda: Don't worry. I'll deal with you later.

She then turned to America.

America: This isn't what you're children would want.

Wanda grabbed her and threw her at the pedestal. She then walked closer to America.

Wanda: They'll never know.

Aaron: Maybe they won't...but when they see you...all they'll see is a monster. You can stop right now, and no one else gets hurt.

Wanda: You want to see a monster?! Look in the mirror! How many people have gotten killed because of you? As long as you're still alive, no one is safe

Aaron: (sighs) You and I both know that that isn't your reason for wanting to kill me. You think I wanted Pietro to die saving my life? I would never ask someone to do that...

Wanda: Stop.

Aaron: Pietro was just as much a brother to me as he was to you...

Wanda: Shut up.

Aaron: And I guarantee that he would not want you to become the monster you're condemning yourself to be.

Wanda: SHUT UP!

She used her powers to wrap a chain around his neck and squeezed just hard enough to cut off his air-pipe.

Suddenly, Wanda stopped and looked outside, and the creatures stood guard as a figure flew towards them. One of them was about to fire at the figure, but they were stabbed in the head by a knife on a golden string before it got pulled off the cliff.

Wong: COME ON!

One of the figures grabbed a large rock and threw it down the cliff. Another grabbed another rock, but the figure flew above them and flung all three of them off the cliff.

The figure was the other Strange's reanimated body with wraith-like creatures acting as a cloak.

The figure was the other Strange's reanimated body with wraith-like creatures acting as a cloak

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Everyone looked at the body as it landed in front of Wanda.

Wanda: Dreamwalking, you hypocrite!

That's served as a shock to Aaron as he realized what Strange did.

He somehow got a hold of the Darkhold in another universe and is now using it.

𝙍𝙪𝙣 𝙇𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙄𝙄 (𝙈𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙗𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙓 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙊𝘾)Where stories live. Discover now