Liberty Feud II

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The two sides clashed.

Peter: (on comms) Okay, Spider people. Sandman's first.

Peter 2: (on comms) I'm gonna lead him inside the statue.

Peter 3: (into his comms) I'll meet you at the top.

He dodged a swing from Curt, who was chasing him, as he grabbed Flint's cure.

Unfortunately, he was tackled into the ground by Curt.

Peter 3: Hey, Dr. Connors.

Curt: Hello, Peter.

Peter 3 saw Jimmy flying by.

Peter 3: JIMMY!

He tossed the cure to Jimmy, who catches it.

Jimmy: I got it!

He flew towards the top of the statue, but Max appeared in front of him and blasted him to the ground, dropping the cure back into the scaffolding.

GAZ: Power is at 426% capacity.

Jimmy: Huh. Thanks, Max.


Aaron was fighting Savitar. Although Aaron is the better combatant, Savitar's size in the armor and his brutality leveled the playing field.

Aaron knew that he had to get Savitar out of the armor somehow before he could inject the cure into him. Then he got an idea.

Aaron: (into his comms) Peter 1. I need you to grab Savitar's cure and toss it to me.

Peter: (on comms) On it.

Aaron: (into his comms) Jimmy, I need you to head to my position and distract Savitar.

Jimmy: (on comms) How much time do you need?

Aaron: (into his comms) As long as you can give me.

Aaron and Savitar continued fighting when Aaron saw Peter swinging towards him with Savitar's cure.

Peter: (on comms) Aaron, heads up!

He tossed the cure to Aaron, who maneuvered around Savitar and quickly pocketed it.

Just then, Jimmy flew in and fired several repulsor shots at Savitar's back. Savitar turned around and growled at Jimmy, which is just the distraction Aaron needed.

Aaron sped towards Savitar and phased into his armor, forcing Savitar out. He then vibrated his body until the armor was destroyed.

Savitar: NO!

He swung at Aaron in a fit of rage, but Aaron caught his arm and jabbed the cure into Savitar's neck.

As soon as that happened, Savitar screamed in agony as a flurry of orange and bright blue lightning spread around him and Aaron. Eventually, Savitar fell to tbe ground as Aaron used his visor to scan Savitar for any trace of the Speed Force left in his body.

There was none.

Savitar: What have you done?

Aaron: Thank me later.

He sped off before Savitar could respond.

Aaron: (into his comms) Barry, Savitar's down for the count. I'm headed your way.


Peter 2 got inside the statue with Flint following him. Peter 2 climbed up as fast as he could.

𝙍𝙪𝙣 𝙇𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙄𝙄 (𝙈𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙗𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙓 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙊𝘾)Where stories live. Discover now