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    ivy was on her way back home, and decided that she needed a new job

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ivy was on her way back home, and decided that she needed a new job. she doesn't hate her job, but she'd prefer a different job than a waitress. after she arrived home, she went on her laptop and started searching for a decent job application. she started applying for random jobs, then went to bed.

february 13, 2021

the next morning, ivy woke up and got ready for college. her dream is to be a lawyer, so she had to work extra hard. balancing a job and college was tricky, but ivy was a multitasker. she grabbed an apple, then headed out for the door and started chewing on the fruit. on the other hand, joão was on his way to practice.

joão had gotten a nice sleep, but he had a headache. he didn't know why, he listened to what the doctor had told him. yet, it wasn't curing his headache. meanwhile his head was thinking about one special girl, ivy. he thought it was normal to think about her, i mean they have been friends for their entire life. then remembered his girlfriend, and thought that it was weird he was thinking about ivy while having a girlfriend.

after joão finished practice, he went to pick up ivy since it was their routine. as well as getting food on their way back, ivy sat in his car panting from the previous jog. "hey, are you good?" joão looked at her, ivy just nodded and motioned for him to start moving. "did you come here right after you finished playing?" ivy said, thinking about what would magui think about this.

joão knew that magui was not fully trusting him with ivy, but he didn't care. he wasn't going to stop seeing his best friend because of her jealousy issues, so he waved magui off at this conversation. magui wasn't happy with the results of his reaction, and kept talking about ivy. even though, ivy takes care of not doing anything to make magui mad.

back in the car, joão just nodded at her with a grin on his face. then went to get food for them both, ivy stayed silent and she looked out the window. she turned her gaze to his face, and began watching him concentrate on driving. "why are you looking at me? is there something on my face or what?" joão said confused.

    ivy turned away so fast, blushing  lightly and shook her head at him. "nope there's nothing don't worry, i just zoned out." yeah totally, she obviously wasn't admiring him. after they finished eating, he made his way to her house, dropping her off before returning to his house.

    magui was patiently waiting for her boyfriend, she knew about their private hangouts without her. joão entered his house and saw magui sitting on the couch, "oh hey, you alright?" joão tried, magui just got irritated. "where have you been? i have been waiting about an hour ago! you should've been here, but  instead you were with your side chick." she let out, joão wasn't happy with the way she was talking about ivy.

    joão started by walking to his bathroom, he needed a shower after a long day. "can't we just talk tomorrow, i'm not in the mood magui. i'm tired, it's been a very long day and i don't feel like arguing." he tried convincing her to drop it, but she wasn't having it.

heyy people give ideas about what would you like to see next. i will try updating everyday for you guys.

 i will try updating everyday for you guys

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

let's appreciate this cutie for a minute

✯ unstoppable love ✯ Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat