Episode 10 Season 1 Finale

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Thanos and Zion stare eachother down

Thanos is first to make a move he blasts Zion with the power stone but he counters using the space stone to form a black hole and send the blast away


Zion:which is more then I can say for you

Zion leaps toward thanos blasting him with his power stone but thanos counters with his space stone

It seems that both beings are evenly matched

Thanos:your tough I'll give you that

Zion shrugs he then blasts thanos finally successfully making the first blow

He leaps toward thanos lands and kicks him across the ground

Thanos recovers and blasts the reality stone at Zion making him become glass that shatters

Zion:you weren't smart enough

Thanos:wait what?

He turns around and sees the actual Zion who blasts him across the ground

It turns out the Zion who got turned into glass was a reality stone clone

Zion laughs and walks toward thanos

The two rush eachother Zion obviously having the edge in reaction speed he dodged attacks from thanos with Spider-Man level speed taking advantage of his open areas he clocks him in them all

Thing:He's actually clobberin him

Reed:Ben shut the hell up


Zion tumbled across the ground he looked to the left and saw some rubble he grips it as two infinity gauntlets now surge with power

He then grabs more rubble transforming it into the blood of darkseid that he injects into himself

Zions eyes widen with power

Thanos:who the hell are you

Zion:I Am No Longer Zion I Am Darkseid now


Thanos tries punching with the Infinity Gauntlet, but Darkseid headbutts the arm and knees his opponent back.

As Thanos recovers, Darkseid leaps upward and tries dive kicking downwards, but Thanos grabs both of his legs and uses the Power Stone to toss him into the street, where he crashes into a car while still maintaining his stance.

Thanos teleports right in front of his foe's location.

Darkseid:You dare strike me? Beg for the sweet release of death!

Thanos lifts the gauntlet and twists his arm to the side.

Thanos:You first.

Thanos warps reality to turn the world on its side, sending Darkseid falling through a building and landing on the side of a skyscraper.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2022 ⏰

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