Episode 5-SIKE HE LIED

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Zion lays on the ground he goes to stand but can't since he's under a small slab unable to move

Iron Man:Start talking who the hell are you!

Zion:ask your mom oh wait!!

Iron man growls and shrinks the slab damn near crushing Zion


Iron Man:Got anything else to say?

There's no response

Iron Man:Thought not

He turns his back as the base shakes his eyes widen and he turns around to

He turns his back as the base shakes his eyes widen and he turns around to

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Zion commanding the Q-Rex Megazord

Zion:you like talking that good shit!!!!

He kicks iron man across the city

Falcon soars and shoots at the megazord but the bullets simply ricochet off its damn near impenetrable armor

He slaps falcon into the ground war machine soars and releases explosives onto the mega Zord as it stumbles

He snatched war machines leg and throws him against the ground as half his suit shatters

Hulk leaps up and begins punching the megazord making it stumble

Zion:Ah shit TRIPLE DRILL!!!!!

Three drills knock hulk on his ass

Before he rises he gets stomped on 10 times

Black Widow and Hawkeye shoot guns and arrows at the megazord but they all do Jack shit

He fires a beam of energy sending them flying

Iron Man comes back and blasts the Megazord

Iron Man:THOR HIT ME!!!!

Thor blasts lightning into iron man who releases a heavy beam of energy knocking the megazord back


He looks to his side and sees some rubble he grabs it and places it into the megazords visor as it phases infront of Zion

He quickly leaps toward it and smirks he puts pressure on the rubble as it shifts into nanotechnology that flows through the Megazord

He quickly leaps toward it and smirks he puts pressure on the rubble as it shifts into nanotechnology that flows through the Megazord

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The Iron Zord Stands infront of the terrified avengers


Thor blasts lighting at the Iron Zord who holds up its hand absorbing the lighting only making it Stronger

Zion laughs and types on the built in keyboard as missiles plop out of it and it blows everyone away

Zion smirks and types again as laser turrets fly out its back

It sends the avengers flying across different parts of the earth

Just then the screen flickers red

Zion:the fuck?

He zooms in and sees his legs being wrapped up in web he zooms in again on Spider-Man who's wrapping it up

He scowls and jumps up also making the Zord jump as it lands Spider-Man is sent flying through a tree

Zion:Wow this was easier then I thought...I can now be calm with a clear conscience...

Zion smiles but when he looks to his side he sees the area damage he's caused and buildings in the city destroyed

Zion:I...I did that...I...

He sees some very injured people being carried out on stretchers and some dead

Zion:What...What have I done...

Zion realizes he's become what he hated most a careless superpowered individual

He looks down in sadness

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