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diamond had recently met someone who was just like her and it was a vibe technically for her since she had someone to talk to since she moved back to this side of New York

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diamond had recently met someone who was just like her and it was a vibe technically for her since she had someone to talk to since she moved back to this side of New York.

they had been hanging out for a while now and everyone kinda saw them everywhere together and if they was near each other it would probably be they were in different classes or one was not at school.

practically best friends at the least.

her and unique were very close after diamond helped unique with her pregnancy she and her became friends , unique had gotten pregnant by dd at the party a few weeks ago.

she cried the whole week because of that , and she couldn't risk telling anyone because word would get to her brother kay flock.

and she didn't want that happening because that would be the opp shit coming from her because she was his sister and he thought she wasn't fucking with them.

and she didn't want know one to know so that was there secret and diamond swore she wouldn't tell anyone and help her through the pregnancy all the way.

"so where you going girlaa?"unique asked into the FaceTime call curling her hair.

"hanging out with ddot."diamond responded making unique wiggle her eyebrows.

"mmm."unique hummed making diamond roll her eyes promoting her phone up and checking herself out.

"y'all are so childish omgg."diamond said before her brother walked in the room.

"ddot at the door."he said before walking out.

"okay ima call u after this bye love you bestie."diamond said blowing a kiss into the call.

"love you too best."unique said back blowing a kiss just like diamond had did before hanging up.

diamond gathered all her personal belongings and headed downstairs seeing ddot talking to her mom at the kitchen island.

"hey mama."diamond greeted her mom kissing her on the check before side hugging ddot.

"you ready?"ddot asked before she nodded while saying bye to everyone.

ddot and her agreed to go to urban air to atleast try to get somewhere with there 'friendship.'

everything was going well that was until they saw the whole friend group dressed as clowns spying on them.

"you see that too?"diamond asked ddot making him nod.

"let's ignore 'em."ddot commented before pushing diamond into the ball pits.

she had grabbed him after he pushed her making him go down with her and now they were fighting.

"that was not supposed to go that way"ddot yelled.

"you mad your plan failed ahh haa."diamond laughed trying to get out the ball pit , before ddot pushed her back in and he tried getting out.

they was practically fighting for getting out of the ball pit.


"SHUT YOUR ASS UP ASHLEY."diamond yelled back making his jaw drop and be dramatic.

"you hurt my feelings i don't wanna be around you no more."ddot whined and got out the ball pit stomping away , while diamond laughed at him.

"yo you need help?"a boy asked from behind her and she turned around to be faced by malcolm one of uniques friends that she had met from hanging with unique.

"yo you need help?"a boy asked from behind her and she turned around to be faced by malcolm one of uniques friends that she had met from hanging with unique

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new character unlocked !
malcom brownss
17 years old



"shit what you doing here?"diamond asked getting out the ball pit and helping him out.

"nothing I'm just here with the group- i mean my fam."malcom lied real quick.

"mmm okay.."diamond said looking around trying to find ddot.

"who you looking fa?"malcom asked.

"ddot."she responded.

"he went that way."malcom pointed to the trampolines.

"thanks tell unique i said hi."diamond said and he nodded before whipping his head back to her looking at her all the way from the trampolines seeing her smiling at him.

"wait! how you know unique here!?"malcom yelled before shaking his head and going back over to the others.

diamond had went to the trampolines and found ddot fighting with a little kid.

"sit your little ass down nigga."ddot said to the kid.

"I'm tougher then u , and have better english lisp teenager!"the boy replied back making ddot gasp.

"ima kill u ass."ddot charged at him making the little boy scream , run and bounce all around the trampolines.

while diamond had grabbed ddot.

"boy leave that kid alone."diamond said while ddot facial expressions changed.

"diamond you think he got better english then me cause he don't got lisp?"ddot asked looking at her , while she looked around.


"you lying don't talk to me."ddot gasped stomping away again.

"damn , you gon do yo nigga like that?"malcom said and diamond looked at him rolling her eyes.

"he ain't my nigga malcom."diamond rolled her eyes catching up to ddot.

"kids these days , ts ts ts."

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