"But my pie!" I whined softly. Luke rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand,as we slowly crawled to the exit. Or at least tried to. One of the many guys seated in the group noticed Luke, and called out,"Hemmings is here,and he's making an exit!"

"SHIT!" Luke yelled,and he ran faster,pulling on my arm as he went. The group of guys all pulled out guns and started shooting towards us. I shrieked and jumped everytime I heard a gunshot. Luke and I reached the van and he floored it,driving as fast as he could.

(Luke's POV)

DAMMIT! Out of all times...why now! Goddamn I hate Vincent...with a passion!

I drove as fast as I can,knowing that they'll be after me soon. I looked over at Karlie,who was sitting in the passenger seat, looking like she just shit her pants.

"Who the fuck was that?!" She cried out.

"Vincent Garcia. Me and him have...unfinished business,I guess."

"And when will it be finished?!"

"Until one of us ends up dead."

Karlie looked at me like I had three heads.

"Look,wake the others up,and tell Ashton to give you a gun. You're finally gonna be useful for something."

"I am not a killer!"

"Well starting today you are! Now shut the hell up and move unless you wanna die early Karlie!"

Frightened,she did as told. She woke up everyone and untied Faith,who now had red marks on her arms because of the ropes.

(Karlie's POV)

"Ashton, some guy named Vincent Garcia is after us,and Luke says that I need a gun." I said,and afterwards,I felt the car drop drastically. Faith and I both shrieked.

"Shit." Ashton said,before moving to a crate. I watched as he pulled out all kinds of guns,and then passed both me and Faith one. Ashton moved to the passenger seat and Calum and Michael opened the back of the van. You could clearly see Vincent and the rest of his gang now, shooting at the van. Ashton started shooting rapidly from the passenger seat window, Calum and Michael were shooting from the back,and Luke was still driving.

"Karlie! Take the wheel!" He yelled through all of the noise.

"With pleasure!" I yelled, as Luke and I switched places. He took the gun out of my hands and I took the wheel.

(Faith's POV)

I watched in horror as the boys were all shooting towards the car that was chasing and shooting at us. I move to the passenger seat next to Karlie and sat there.


"Some guy that Luke has beef with..."She stopped midway and her eyes widened. I looked out the window where she was looking and saw that there was a gun aimed at our window. Karlie and I screamed as the gang member shot the wndow and glass ended up everywhere.

"Faith,take the gun and shoot him!" Karlie cried.

"Karlie,I am not a shooter!" I yelled back. In that time,another bullet came in through the window and penetrated Karlie's arm,making the car swerve as she yelped in pain.

"KARLIE!" I yelled. Now this douche was gonna get it. As soon as Karlie got control of the wheel again,I took the gin and aimed it at the gang member's head. I watched as the bullet went straight through his left ear and come out the right ear,I swear I almost fainted at the sight. Oh well,at least he's dead.

(Luke's POV)

"Keep shooting boys!" I yelled, firing rapidly at the car Vincent was driving behind us. I felt the van swerve a little just as Vincent shot at us, so he ended up missing which was an advantage for us. I crawled over to the box of grenades we kept handy and pulled one out.

"Time to end this shit." I whispered,as I pulled the thing(idk what its called aha) and threw it at Vincent's car. It exploded, making the car flip and hit the other car in the process, and they both swerved off the road, and it all ended with a fiery inferno.

(Karlie's POV)

Faith had taken over the wheel for me,the pain was just too much for me. I crawled into the passenger seat,watching as the cars exploded as they collided outside the van. There is absolutely NO WAY that any of them lived through that.

"We're good for now." Luke said, taking the wheel from Faith. He saw my arm and winced at the sight.

"You're hurting and you're not even in pain." I replied,clutching my arm.

"Lucky for you,we're near our hideout and I'm pretty good with first-aid."

I nodded in response and leaned my head on the frame of the window that used to be there.


Can anyone give me a little feedback on this? I feel as if it's going to a good start but I don't know.

Kidnapped. (Luke Hemmings)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz