Chapter 5

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A new person was about be freed from petrification unlike the other petrified Tsukasa cover up her eyes before pouring the revival fluid, Ukyo was confused why would he do that While Hyoga just standing there watching.

The stone cracks... the girl were free but not her eyes that got coverd, The girl try to reach for somebody Ukyo wanted to help the girl out of reflex but Tsukasa block any action toward the girl. He walk toward the girl declaring if she want to live, her eyes still have to be in Stone.

Ukyo imagine how scared and unfair would it be for her, regardless of his emotion he couldn't do anything about it either. But the girl accepted it quickly without any inch of complain, he doesn't get it, how can this girl be so calm in this situation. Tsukasa think for a second then let Ukyo keep an eye on her " Tell me if she does anything suspicious " he whisper to Ukyo.

Ukyo nod then help the girl covered herself, After a little walk he noticed the girl shoulders were slightly tremble. Why didn't I realize it sooner how could anyone be fine She wake up in unfamiliar place, the earth is now in stone who knows what will happen from now on, to make matter worse she got blinded all at the same time. Her calm and compose act was just a facade to hide her scared and weak self from others.

Ukyo blame himself to even think someone could be okay in this situation. He comforted her by patting her on the back telling her it's okay and will help her if she need anything,The girl tried her best to keep her tears all to herself.

He keep telling her that everything going to be okay, The blind girl can't see that even Ukyo himself was as helpless as she is.

Ukyo visited Tsukasa wanting to know answer why would he blinded an innocent girl without a clear reason. Tsukasa reply that what he did was a reasonable act and he don't plan on freeing her eyes anytime soon.

" Then tell me the reason at least, I want to know... She needs to know "

" That's right we need to know as well Tsukasa " added Hyoga

Tsukasa had no choice but to tell the reason, Ukyo face become pale on hearing why the girl got blinded, Hyoga was indifferent as ever

" So it was Guilt but it was cruel for her don't you think " Hyoga scorn at Tsukasa

" Then we should tell her Senku's Dead that way she can slowly accept it " plead Ukyo

Tsukasa were reluctant to tell Y/N of his doing to Senku, it's true that it was Guilt but that wasn't all the reason he free her there was something else. He didn't say anything after that he just left the room.

Ukyo don't really have the heart to tell her that either but she will found out sooner or later.

Later at night____

" Y/N right, my name is Ukyo there no need to hold back you can tell me if you feel uncomfortable "

Y/N know his name and personality from the anime already, but she can't lose her caution on him until he decided to fully betrayed Tsukasa.

" Um... you feeling hungry..." , Ukyo word sound like he's shuttering which is kinda cute.

What is he trying to tell me I answer him with a simple no.

" Ow ....well..if you feeling hungry just tell me...and...about the boy you searching for..."

Ahh~ he was telling me about Senku fake death I appreciate the thought but I know the truth.

" He has pass away " He finally said it. He also explain how Senku die to Y/N.

" Take me to Taiju and Yuzuriha", Ukyo was reluctant but I convince him. He said he will help me then I wanted him to help me meet up with them, rather than sneaking it's better that he himself just take me.

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