Natsu looked at her curiously. "To see...?"

"That's none of your business!" She huffed, puffing her cheeks out.

"Do you want me to take you or not?" Natsu knew he had her.

"... To see... Gray."

"Gray?" Natsu frowned, "Gray who?"

The woman stared at him, her mouth wide open. "You don't know who Gray is? Which world are you living in? I'm talking about the crown prince!!"

Natsu felt his heart stop. "What? Why do want to meet the crown prince?"

She hesitated. Then she sighed. "I... I'm the princess."

Seconds passed.

Then minutes.

Natsu laughed. If his hands weren't tied to the chair, he would've been clutching his stomach. "You? The princess? Don't make me laugh!"

"You're already laughing," she said matter-of-factly, her eyes bored.

"Do you seriously expect me to believe that?" Natsu asked once he had calmed down.

"Yes, because I am the princess."

"And I'm the king!" Natsu laughed again.

The blonde woman rolled her eyes before walking away. Her footsteps were louder than before, Natsu wondered if she was trying to stomp.

"Hey! Where are you-- Untie me! Please?"

No response.

Natsu groaned in despair and tried to get out of the chair using force. Damn it! How strong was this hair anyway? He was about to crash into the ground when he heard footsteps. Small footsteps. She was back.

She looked different than before.

What was it?





It was the tiara! She was wearing a tiara! Wait, what?

"I," she glared at him, "am the princess of Fiore, Lucy Heartfilia. Prince Gray is my brother."

Natsu couldn't do anything but gape at her.


"Are you sure this is the right way?" Juvia asked for the millionth time.

"Yes!" Gray said, exasperated, "Stop asking me that already."

"Admit it, you don't know where we are."


"You actually don't know where we are?!!" Juvia yelled.


"I-- Why on Earth did I even come with you?"

"Hey, don't be mean."

"I'm being mean?" Juvia scoffed, "I was stating my thoughts."


"Don't 'shh' me!"

"No, seriously, be quiet!" Gray whispered, harshly.

Juvia looked at him in disbelief. "I'm a princess. How dare you tell me to be quiet--"

A growl.

"Wh-What was that?" Juvia asked, her hands holding onto Gray's shoulders in fear.

"I told you to be quiet!" Gray whispered back, "And those are wolves, I believe."

"Why are you so calm?" Juvia grasped his shoulders more tightly.

"Because," Gray looked at her, smugly. "I can fight them with my sword."


"I never said I would protect you."

Juvia looked up at him, shocked. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you were being so mean to me, maybe I'll be mean to you too!"

"Are you kidding me? I was mean to you but I wasn't as mean as to physically hurt you!"

"So you accept that you were being mean?"

Another growl.

"You-- Now is not the time to talk about this, please, I'm sorry for being mean. Just kill those wolves. Please."

"Say 'pretty please'." Gray grinned evilly.

"...Pretty please."

"'Pretty please with sugar on top'."

Juvia glared at him. "Pretty please with--"

A  wolf had jumped and bit hard into Gray's arm. His face contorted with pain, but no sound escaped his mouth. With a twist he managed to get away from the sharp teeth of the wolf, dragging Juvia with him. Her eyes widened with shock at the wound and his response to it. Why didn't he scream? It had definitely hurt him...

The wolf growled and jumped again. Gray had unsheathed his sword by then and swung it in its direction. The wolf whimpered when the sword clashed against its fur and glared at Gray before running off into the woods.

"It's gone," Juvia said.

"No kidding."

Juvia glared at him and pushed him down on the ground.

"What are you--"Gray started.

"Your wounds. They need treatment."

"...No, they don't."

"Yes, they do."


"Yes, because otherwise, they will become infected and your arm will eventually fall off." Gray looked so scared that she added: "I'm only kidding, of course, but it will become infected."

"Right..." Gray rolled up his sleeve, letting Juvia view the wound. It was not that bad, but it surely would have hurt. Juvia wondered why he didn't scream -- she would've.  Shaking her head, she took out her handkerchief and started wiping the blood with it. After, she washed the wound and tied it with a stray piece of cloth from her white skirt.


"You're welcome," Juvia answered before looking away. "Let us be on our way, now."


And they continued on their journey. Little did they know that they were going in circles. Gray had no sense of direction whatsoever.


Hey minna,

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