Secrets revealed

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Todoroki POV

The next morning my sister came in and turned off my alarm. She sat next to me running her fingers though my multi-coloured hair.

"Hey Shoto, it's time to get up, "Fuyumi said keep her voice soft.

I turn over, "I'm not going to school," I mumble.

"Shoto you have too!" She replies.

I stay quiet.

"Shoto," she said "Shoto," and again.

She sighs. She gets up from my futon and opens the door.

"I love you Shoto," she said sliding my door shut.

Fuyumi went down into the kitchen where Natsuo was waiting for her. I open my door slightly so I can hear them.

"So," Natsuo asks.

"Nothing, I have an idea, but you will need to help me," Fuyumi replies.

"What can I do to help?" He asks just loud enough for me to hear him.

"You have to get dad out of the house," she tells him with a slight anxiousness in her voice.

"That impossible," He reactions, he says more but I'm unable to hear it.

"I need you to do this while I get started on the rest on the plan," she insists going over to the computer.

I hear Natsuo sigh and walk into the kitchen to get lunch ready for father. I hear him texting likely Burnin to find a call Endeavour needs to go on. Almost immediately I hear text back, it must mean she has one lined up.

I hear Natsuo finishing Endeavour's lunch then he walks over and knocks on his office door.

"What is it," Endeavour calls angered.

"Burnin just texted me saying you haven't checked your emails yet; they need you at the agency right now." Natsuo says tenaciously trying to keep up the act.

"Oh, tell her I will be right there once I grab my stuff," I hear him reply and what sounds like him standing up from behind his desk.

"Already done for you," Natsuo replies handing Endeavor his lunch.

"Aright I expect you all to be home when I get back," he growls heading towards the front door lunch in hand.

Natsuo went to find Fuyumi who was just shutting down the computer.

"Okay, I got dad out of the house," Natsuo said catching Fuyumi attention.

I now make my way out of my room to the top of the stairs. I can hear everything clearly from this spot.

"Great, could you get Shoto up and showered. Oh, and change his bandages and get his uniform on," Fuyumi stresses.

"Come on. What is this, the morning of the impossible tasks of Natsuo," asks Natsuo in a slightly humour tone.

"Come on we must help him. Or he may never want to go back to U.A," Fuyumi pleads.

"I guess you're right. Can you make sure there's a milk in his bag today." Natsuo replies

"Sure, now go get our brother," Fuyumi smiles .

Midoriya POV

"Mercy give that back!"

She is up to her morning antics grabbing my school clothes in a feeble attempt to prevent me from leaving.

"Listen Mercy, it's not Sunday. When its Sunday I will play with you all day. But for now, I need to go to school."

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