H - The missing piece

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Dec. 11, 2022 

Dear dear dear readers, 

It's been a long time. 

Quite honestly, words fail to even begin to describe the long and arduous period of time that has passed since Epiphanies volume one. 

A and I have been through quite an ordeal. Sometimes the ordeal isn't at all an ordeal making it an ordeal, sometimes it is a true ordeal. We have been going through ordeals separately, and going through ordeals together (see A's previous entry for more on that). Ordeal seems to be the word of the day. 

There has been something missing these days. An empty hollowness. Similar to the hollowness that is the existence of this man: 

 Similar to the hollowness that is the existence of this man: 

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Only kidding, his existence is not hollow. It is simply terrible. 

Moving on. (I missed saying that) 

A and I figure that though writing Epiphanies volume two (Christmas edition) may not fix all of our problems, we will sure as heck try to make it fix all of our problems. 

So, dearies, please enjoy the masterpiece (in the making) that A and I humbly present to you. We believe it to be the missing piece in our lives. As the lyrics of Missing Piece by Vance Joy state: "I've been waiting for the times to change" and boy, we have too. 

Cheers, mates!

Cheers, mates!

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EPIPHANIES: Christmas EditionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя