Durability: From all the training YN LN received he has great durability to the point where he cannot feel pain and can keep fighting while injured or near death. 

Speed: YN LN's speed makes him a fighter  cause he can do swift and fast strikes with his murasama and can is a fast runner so when he runs fast 

Agility: YN LN has good flexibility and Agility from training he received he can use different maneuver skills to take on many opponents and to confuse his enemies. 

Stamina: YN LN has a lot of stamina to the point where he can fight for long periods of time and can run longer distances.  

Martial artists: YN LN has been trained in many martial arts, in any case when YN is not using his Murasama blade, he can fight in many martial styles against any opponent. 


Master swordsman: YN LN has been trained as a young child to fight with a katana as has been taught many fighting styles as has mastered every single one of them to point where he is a master swordsman. 

Master translator: YN LN speaks Japanese but he can learn different languages in a short period of time and can translate them.  

Master of stealth: YN LN can use any environment to his advantage as stealth, and is a master of using shadows. 

A/N: I'm sorry for the long wait  but here it is my first star wars the clone wars story and i hope you enjoy it and if you have requests please post them and as always have a nice night. 511 Words. 

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