Chapter 2 - Early Life

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing in Paradise?!" Edward asked while striking with his spear.

"Not your problem! The same question goes to you!" Garp held it with his hands covered in haki.

"I was just sailing! Gurarara, you won't even know what I found!" The large man stopped for a second to laugh.

"Huh?" Garp stopped too, he raised an eyebrow.

"I found a new addition to my family!" It was weird for Garp, seeing a 6 meters tall man, talking about something like a family.

"And what's that?" He asked.

"Come on guys, show him!" The latter later known as Whitebeard exclaimed to his crew members. The big whale ship was already close enough for the guys to just jump down, not needing to fly through the sky.

"Captain!" One said.

"Yeah, tell him to come out!" Newgate waved his hand. The man nodded and he turned behind him. Garp was more confused. Then someone walked in front of them. It was a small kid, around 3 with hair like pineapple.

"Marco, this is Garp, my friend." Garp flinched at the sound, friend?

"Helloww..." The little kid Marco, greeted.

"Who's that?" Garp pointed at the kid.

"It's Marco, I found him and decided to have him as my son." Edward smiled.

"HAAAA?!" Garp eyes got out of pockets.

"What are they talking about?" Dragon was looking out of the little window that showed the deck.

"Nii-san, I need to pee!"

"Not now! No!" Dragon panicked. They had to get out to go to the bathroom. "Can't you hold it?!" Dragon grabbed his brother's shoulders. The kid shook his head and he quickly went to the door's direction. "NO!" Dragon couldn't stop him.Lue already broke through the door.

"PEE!" Lue exclaimed and ran in the opposite direction of the toilet.

"NOT THERE!" Dragon ran after him, his little brother was going into the lion's den.

"Huh?" They all looked into the direction of the screams.

"L-LUE?!" Garp exclaimed.

"Who is that, Garp?!" Newgate almost tripped.

"UGH! It's my other son!" Garp was getting ready to grab the kid.

"You have another?!" The large man and his crew shouted with jaws on the ground.

"Oh. Daddy!" Lue ran into his father's arms.

"Lue, why did you run away from me?" Garp frowned.

"Because you wanted to kill me!" Lue exclaimed with shark teeth. Newgate sweatdropped.

"I DIDN'T, It was training to make you a strong marine!" Garp almost hit the child but was stopped by Dragon.

"GEEZER, DON'T YOU DARE!" Dragon kicked Garp, Lue fell into his arms...but this time, Garp got hit in the crotch.

"AGH!" Garp was sent flying and he lost his consciousness.

" going on..." Marines and Whitebeard pirates sweatdropped.

"Lue, you're alright?!" Dragon inspected the baby. The latter nodded, but then he remembered. He had to pee. He punched the older male in the chin and he ran in the right direction this time...

"Em..." Edward was awkwardly standing beside the lying older brother.

"Don't ask..." He murmured while caressing his chin.

"He is your brother, right?" The large man asked. Dragon quickly recovered and he stood up.

"Yeah, he is my brother, Luerion. He's three." Dragon said proudly.

"Oh, that's like Marco!" Newgate exclaimed excitedly.

"Really?!" Dragon smiled widely.

"Yeah, Marco!" Edward looked for his son that was sitting quietly on the ground. He heard his pops call his name and he stood up and walked or tried to walk to them. Lue saw him before he disappeared in the hallway. He glanced at Marco's head.

"Pineapple guy!"

"Maybe they can become friends!" Then they talked about some time, just how cute babies were. Lue came back from the toilet after getting reminded by Dragon two times to wash his hands. Then he met Marco. It quickly became evening and Whitebeard was on his ship waving with Marco. Lue was waving back. Garp was taken to the infirmary earlier that day.

"Listen, Luffy...we have to live a life of no regrets."

"What a long day." Dragon sighed as he was placing the sleeping 3-year-old on his little bed. "I hope you had fun today..." He caressed his head. Then he placed a little kiss on his baby brother's forehead and he walked out of the room. The moon was full that night. But Lue...he hasn't had a situation like that with all the voices again, until...


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