"Are you going to get in or stay out there" Wooseok's voice comes from the radio? Seungyoun stumbles tripping on air while going inside the ward.

"Honey" Seungyoun dragged the word alerting Wooseok that something was happening. "I got you flowers" He places them on the small table beside the bed.

"What's going on" Wooseok tries to fix the bed to sit upright

"Here let me help you with that" Seungyoun scrambles to the side of the bed to get the buttons.

"So," Wooseok asks

"I have to leave" Seungyoun breaks the news waiting for Wooseok's reaction

"Leave to where" Wooseok waits for a more clear explanation.

"I can't tell you where honey" Seungyoun takes a seat beside Wooseok's

"Is it one of the black op jobs you do?" Wooseok asks, Seungyoun nods. He sighs "How long will you be gone"

"It's supposed to take only a week but anything can happen" Seungyoun takes Wooseok's hands "I don't want to leave not when you're like this"

"That's your job you have and you must go, maybe those people need you more than me" Wooseok places his other hand with the iv drip on Seungyoun.

"I don't know, I have bad feelings about this what if we have to go dark in the middle of the op I don't want to do that I want to come back to you" Seungyoun takes Wooseok's hands and places them on his face leaning to them.
Wooseok cant help and be worried, he knew his husband and his 'team' were one of the best black op teams ever created by the Chinese military he had heard of his father-in-law praising the team saying they are one of the top teams in the world. This one must be nerve-wracking to have his husband (the one who jumps head first into danger really worried).

"Can I lay with you?" Seungyoun asks

"come here" Wooseok nodded making space for his husband.

Seungyoun lays his head on Wooseok's chest listening to his steady heartbeat while Wooseok played with his hair. This was the normalcy he wanted to go back to once the mission ended.

Sungjoo stood in front of the clinic waiting for Xingchen who was coming off from giving flu vaccines to the kids and the women.

"What a surprise" Xingchen calls over him like 4 steps away from each other

"What are you doing here," He asks when he stops right in front of him.

"Here to pick you up and go on a picnic together" Sungjoo shows him the basket he had.

"That's sweet of you" Xingchen joins hands with Sungjoo trailing down the track.

The two sat under a mango tree enjoying each other's presence and talking about everything under the sun. This was slowly growing to the ranks of the 'favorite dates I have had with Sungjoo' list that Xingchen had.

"I want you to have this" Sungjoo removes his dog tag from his neck and places it in Xingchen's hands.

Xingchen looks at the dog tag not knowing what to do or say, according to whatever the fuck he knows the military dog tags were very important to the owners it was their identity what did Sungjoo mean by giving him this. He looks at the dog tag and then looks at Sungjoo waiting for an explanation.

"That's like my promise to you" Sungjoo smiles

"Eh" Xingchen sounding very confused

"A promise that I am going to come back and marry you" He holds Xingchen's hands delicately " this is like I'm giving myself to you"

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